I'm looking for something to put on my site where members can create their own (one or two page) website to be hosted on my site. For example, my website is www.IHeartPaws.com - so their site would be www.IHeartPaws.com/membername - you know what I mean?

I want it to be a customizable template where they can choose the information to be shown. It doesn't need to be anything too crazy or fancy. Maybe something like MySpace provides for their users.

Am I explaining this correctly?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

well idea is simple, but reality is more complex.
As you don't charge for site you have to make profite somwhere else as youpay for the webspace, which is you force user to embed few adverts. This is fine with user as long it is not too much. Main problem is the tools which you have to provide for user to set up their sites and edit the content of the site. This is the hard part and i don't think anybody will do it for free

Well not EVERY member will be allowed to create a webpage- only those I approve. I already have a large amount of space at my hosting company that is not being used.

commented: The person don't what he/she want to do. +0

Well not EVERY member will be allowed to create a webpage- only those I approve. I already have a large amount of space at my hosting company that is not being used.

that is not what you ask, what you looking for is somebody to develop for you online tools to edit "aaproved" sites.

No- thats not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a program for members to create their own page on my site.

However, to create a site they would need to gain approval from me- and from that point on they have rights to create and edit their page as they wish. Or at least that is what I want.

to create and edit their page as they wish

I will be rude at this point, but I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. You just seen something somwhere and think it will be simply done.
Question here how many people do know how to work with HTML? So you wil have to provide something like WYSIWYG, for your info that stands for "what you see is what you get". Developer use Dreamweaver, Home Site, Front Page etc. This is useless, you can't embed it to your site. So what you have to do is give them tools be able to create/modify content of space given to them by "you". Either you can buy tool like this ( use google for search) or you can develop this tool for them = your TEMPLATE !

Got it, if I still missing your point of this discusion please provide proper explanation with examples. Thank you bye :rolleyes:

First of all I didn't see anything anywhere. DO NOT respond to my post rudely... I really don't need that. I don't think YOU know how to read!!! Nor do YOU know what YOU'RE talking about.

ALL I was asking if anyone knows of a software/template etc that could help me get what I'm looking for. So unless you have some useful advice please don't respond to me thread... it's not like you're being helpful at all... just cluelessly rude.

First of all I didn't see anything anywhere. DO NOT respond to my post rudely... I really don't need that. I don't think YOU know how to read!!! Nor do YOU know what YOU'RE talking about.

ALL I was asking if anyone knows of a software/template etc that could help me get what I'm looking for. So unless you have some useful advice please don't respond to me thread... it's not like you're being helpful at all... just cluelessly rude.

DO NOT respond to my post rudely...

I warned you I will be rude, as you repeat the same stuff around and not listen to an advice

I was asking if anyone knows of a software/template etc that could help me get what I'm looking for.

Either you can buy tool like this ( use google for search) or you can develop this tool

to the templates, templates are pre-design form with layout which can only be fill up with data, but in generaly are not for editing. Anyway it is something like the window where you may write another comment for me :lol: .Yes, it is a tool which you are looking for. It is just simple version of it to set a text, images, do some basic layout

I don't think YOU know how to read!!!

I can't read, I only know how to write ROFL :cheesy:

Nor do YOU know what YOU'RE talking about.

Hmm, I should give up on my master degree, Internet Computing MSc, if I do not know what I'm talking about, I must be stupid then ;)
Bye-bye university stupid can't get there [IMG]http://www.dutchfightclub.nl/system/smilies/rennen.gif[/IMG]

Excuse me, but do you mind not posting and hijacking my thread with immature personal attacks? I don't need to get into a battle of degrees with you- however you certainly do not know me.

I wouldn't guess you were anything older than a teen by the way you write.

You warned me that you were going to be rude... in the SAME post you were rude IN! If you cannot speak in a civilized manner than you should not be on public forums.

I've done google searches for the information I need and obviously I am not finding what I need- and that is the reason I am posting here. For HELP, not abuse- thank you very much.

If someone knows the name or website of a place that offers these services/templates etc it would be very much appreciated. As I would like to get the needed information out of this thread instead of the fluff I've gotten so far.

ThreadDateComment[IMG]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/dani-images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif[/IMG]Members Create Their...Jul 23rd 2006 10:15 AMThe person don't what he/she want to do.

Because you didn't understand what I was asking for you decrease MY reputation? "The person don't what he/she want to do"??? Master's degree? :rolleyes:

Trust me, I know what I want to do- you just don't know how to comprehend. This is my first website and I may not know how everything works... that is why I joined daniweb, for HELP!!

Can someone else please help me????

OK folks, let's not go any further down this road.

I warned you I will be rude

And I am warning you not to be rude; such posting behaviour is not called for, and it is not
tolerated here.

From our Forum Rules:
Always be polite and courteous in your posts, even if you do not agree with another member. ..Do not flame other members or post anything that has a good chance of being taken in a bad way....

Please keep this in mind in your future posts.
Thank you.

i dont mean to be rood but noones gonna think of visiting your site for computer trouble it sounds like a pet web site ...lol...sorry

First of all it IS a pet site so why would they visit my site for computer trouble? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second of all... you don't mean to be rude? Yet you are.

Third of all... it's RUDE, not ROOD. hehe

this thread makes me laugh,lol sorry. hey you guys can be good buddies in the long run... you deal with each other openly hehehe...

I'm glad a thread asking for serious help and getting ignorant rude responses makes you laugh.

However, if you've notice more than one person responded... so what do you mean by we can be good friends?

I would assume Peter budu is not really that rude, as what I can understand on those replies he had, anyway... he might have just been fooling around just as not to take things too seriously... anyway... have you tried site studio? you might as well try that... that must've been what you are looking for... :)

sorry for the laugh, was just kinda amused by you two hehe cheer up, there's no need to argue on things :)

I should have closed this thread after post #4; it's just gone downhill from there. That's it- we're done here.

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