I have new website on shayari. I also tries to make ui/ux design. I need suggestions is it good or what improvements should i do boost SEO.

jennannegraham commented: IMO - it is lacking "pop" and is limiting due to choice of language +0

Hi. Far be it for me to downplay anyones creation. I will give some advice that I have found to be helpful over the years. 1) Going mobile does not mean a white page with centered content. In order to keep traffic coming, it MUST have something that stands out. People are visual. Add some color and maybe try to layout your page in a "look at me" manner. here are links to my websites..while it is NOT perfect, it shows you what I am trying to say. www.truthbtold.ca AND www.jennskopperkitchen.com The days of white one column web design is over.

As far as getting your SEO up - I found this site to be quite helpful Click Here meta tags are good, but only go so far!

Beyond the UI/UX there's a deeper problem in the choice of language. From Wikipedia:

Scripts used in poetry
In Pakistan and Deccan region of India, Urdu poetry is written in the standard Nasta'liq calligraphy style of the Perso-Arabic script. However, in north India, where Urdu poetry is very popular, the Perso-Arabic is often found transliterated into the Devanāgarī script, as an aid for those Hindī-speakers, who can comprehend Urdu, but cannot read the Perso-Arabic script. With the dawn of the internet and globalization, this poetry is often found written in Roman Urdu as well as in Hindi script.

I found Google Translate to struggle with the site's content.

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