How would I go about making Next and Previous links that automatically take you to the proper pages without having to set the hyperlinking on each individual page?

Not quite clear what you are asking. From within a java applet, or just on a normal site? If just on a normal website here is my answer:
Have each file named number 1.html, 2.html etc. In javascript make a variable called i and set it to the current page number (ex: 2). If the user clicks next increment i (ex:3) or decrement it (ex:1). Then go the the page i.html.

Does you question have anything to do with Java? 'Cause javascript and html have nothing to do with Java.

Does you question have anything to do with Java? 'Cause javascript and html have nothing to do with Java.

I found this thread last night during a search for a solution. I did not realize that this was in the Java forum. I am very sorry.


Thanks, yeah this is what I'm looking for... I wanted to have this work within a normal site. Unfortunately I don't even know how to create variables in javascript or really much of any coding outside of html.

How would I go about making Next and Previous links that automatically take you to the proper pages without having to set the hyperlinking on each individual page?

There is no such thing. How would it know what the name of the "next " page is, without you telling it?

Set the hyperlinks on each page. That's all you can do without a lot of tricky JS code.

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