Hi there, I need help with the action script of stopping sounds in the movie, I tried the function "stopallsounds" but it didn't work??

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Its stopAllSounds();

Hey, I've tested stopallsounds();, but it didn't work. why? I don't know...

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

See again carefully. There's difference between stopallsounds and stopAllSounds(); .

In flash there are several keywords that may not work just because you didn't used the correct case. Actionscript is case sensitive.

So its stopAllSounds(); .

See again carefully. There's difference between stopallsounds and stopAllSounds(); .

In flash there are several keywords that may not work just because you didn't used the correct case. Actionscript is case sensitive.

So its stopAllSounds(); .

Hi, I'm sure it's a button and it's action is stopallsounds(); . But it doesn't work...:eek:

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

try this...copy or write exactly what it is:


If it doesn't works it might be due to some other script running somewhere else. For that you need to tell whatever you have dont in detail or even give a part of source.

Also write it clearly in your post whether you are using stopallsounds() or stopAllSounds() . That is probably because its case sensitive so BaD, bad, BAD, bAD are different.

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