I have a page where all the content is contained in one centered table of static size:
<table id="page_content" background="gfx/main_bg.gif" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=1024 height=768>
<!-- content goes here -->
the page is fairly graphics-laden, so I want to hide it with a preload screen until the page is fully loaded. I'm attempting to do this by dynamically creating a div with a high z-index and absolute positioning, and putting it on top of said content table:
// get page content table
var contentTable = document.getElementById('page_content');
// create div and set id
var loadDiv = document.createElement('div');
loadDiv.id = 'loading_div';
// put in loading image
loadDiv.innerHTML = '<img src="gfx/loading.gif" width=1024 height=768>';
// do positioning and dimensions
loadDiv.style.position = 'absolute';
loadDiv.style.top = contentTable.offsetTop;
loadDiv.style.left = contentTable.offsetLeft;
loadDiv.style.zIndex = 100;
// insert into page
this doesnt exactly work, however...it puts the div near said table, but they dont line up exactly. am I missing something obvious?