Hello and thank you to those who responded to my earlier
request for a script to hide media control panels. As a result,
I have tried the following suggested script, but I still
can't seem to get it right. But, I think I'm getting close ;-)
I could not find an answer to the problem in FAQ.
function handleControlsOnOffClick() {
if (document.mediaPlayer.showControls == true) {
document.mediaPlayer.showControls = false;
document.playerCtrl.controls.value = " Show Controls ";
else {
document.mediaPlayer.showControls = true;
document.playerCtrl.controls.value = " Hide Controls "
To be more explicit, I'm repeating the desired result on my proposed website.
1. After an end user requests a download of my e-book, they
will be invited to click on various hyperlinks to activate music,
from files that will be included in the download and therefore
already on their hard-drive. The music is intended to be merely
short background pieces, but controlled by the user by clicking on
a link - (Not like a bg music loop playing automatically when a website
is acccessed).
2. When clicking on the hyperlink, I don't want a user being distracted
from the text they are reading, by the usual appearance of a
'security message' and/or followed by the control panel of whichever
type of media player they are using.
3. Is it possible to have a script that covers ALL TYPES OF MEDIA
PLAYERS, to automatically disable all and any functions -
other than simply playing the music, without any graphics, control
panels, skins or security messages appearing? And without the user
having to manually minimize whatever visual material has appeared.
If so, I'd appreciate it if it could be prepared in the exact
HTML format - ready for pasting into the 'source code' of the page.
Also, please advise precisely where in the code, it should be placed.
:) Thank you for your patience and assistance.