** I am not sure if this is the correct area for this post-- please move to correct forum if necessary-- thanks.

I am redeveloping the website for the company I work for. It is going along quite well but I have a question in regards to Flash; I have never worked with Flash in any way before. I simply wished to add a simple Flash element to the already-made, JPEG header; I did this via a software program which produced a .swf file when saved. This seemed to work fine (I opened the file in IE7 to view it-- it worked.)

I would like to learn and understand how to use this now in the site. I added it into the css sheet in place of the original JPEG header-- I had the feeling it would not un and it didn't.

css code snippet with .swf file

#VISUAL{ width: 750px; text-align: right; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;  height: 122px;  background-color: #1F7A2A;  background-image: url([B]redSquares.swf[/B]);  background-repeat: no-repeat;}

Any help or push in the right direction would be very much appreciated. I really want to understand this issue as well as fix this problem.

Kind Regards,
Matty D

I won't claim to know exactly why it won't work, and I don't know how you could make it work in that way.

However; a flash .swf file is not an image file. To put a flash object on a page, you have to have to 'embed' it on a page. Using an actual 'embed' tag work in most cases sometimes, but the apparent 'correct' way is to use 'object' tags.

The best way is to use embed tags inside object elements, because 'object' does some compatibiity delegation. (so if object fails, embed should work)

Linking a flash file from an image tag (equivelent to putting it as a background image in CSS) will not work; in the same way as linking an html file to an 'image' tag's src won't work. The browser expects the response to looking for that source image to return an image type result, if it doesn't find one, it treats it as it would if nothing was at that location. (Note: If the flash file identified itself as an image type, it wouldn't be processed as a flash movie,)

If you know how to embed flash movies on a page, and just want objects to appear on top of it (as if it was a background), you might have some sucess with absolutely positioned elements 'on top' of the movie. That's quite a detailed subject in itself, but as a snippet:

<body style="margin:0;padding:0">
<embed src="your_flash.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
<div style="color:white;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;">
This should be on top of your Flash movie.. Perhaps.

If you don't have macromedia flash mx (flash mx produces HTML embed/object code automatically, which is certainly useful when you see how big it can end up), then check this resource:


commented: help with Flash\\ ;) +3

I won't claim to know exactly why it won't work, and I don't know how you could make it work in that way.

However; a flash .swf file is not an image file. To put a flash object on a page, you have to have to 'embed' it on a page. Using an actual 'embed' tag work in most cases sometimes, but the apparent 'correct' way is to use 'object' tags.

The best way is to use embed tags inside object elements, because 'object' does some compatibiity delegation. (so if object fails, embed should work)

Linking a flash file from an image tag (equivelent to putting it as a background image in CSS) will not work; in the same way as linking an html file to an 'image' tag's src won't work. The browser expects the response to looking for that source image to return an image type result, if it doesn't find one, it treats it as it would if nothing was at that location. (Note: If the flash file identified itself as an image type, it wouldn't be processed as a flash movie,)

If you know how to embed flash movies on a page, and just want objects to appear on top of it (as if it was a background), you might have some sucess with absolutely positioned elements 'on top' of the movie. That's quite a detailed subject in itself, but as a snippet:

<body style="margin:0;padding:0">
<embed src="your_flash.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
<div style="color:white;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;">
This should be on top of your Flash movie.. Perhaps.

If you don't have macromedia flash mx (flash mx produces HTML embed/object code automatically, which is certainly useful when you see how big it can end up), then check this resource:



Hi. Thank-you for your reply.

I got it to work a bit ago. :cheesy: I used something similar to what you posted; With a few formatting tweaks for the page HTML, it worked great :!::eek: Very exciting. I love figuring things out, researching, hacking around a bit, and getting a working result ;)

Thanks again for your help.

Kind Regards,
Matty D

Member Avatar for iamthwee

do you have a link to your company's website. I would like to see what you did with the flash.

do you have a link to your company's website. I would like to see what you did with the flash.

I am building it off-line. I will be sure to post a link for you when it goes live. Thanks for the interest. ;)


Member Avatar for iamthwee

I am building it off-line. I will be sure to post a link for you when it goes live. Thanks for the interest. ;)


What type of company is it?

Software (independent game studio)


Hi. Thank-you for your reply.

I got it to work a bit ago. :cheesy: I used something similar to what you posted; With a few formatting tweaks for the page HTML, it worked great :!::eek: Very exciting. I love figuring things out, researching, hacking around a bit, and getting a working result ;)

Thanks again for your help.

Kind Regards,
Matty D

can you share with me how you got the .swy file to work. I am doing a website for one of my college classes and I keep trying to get my .swf to work but it's been a no go.


just u use Flash software and develop ur document and published web paged by press F12. U will get the code from the source code of that page copy the code and past it to HTML page, this is the simple way to input .swf file in HTML.

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