
I made a few links that lead to another page on my website but each to a different anchor and when I click in Firefox on one of the links my whole page gets cropped on the destination page. Everything before the anchor is hidden. Please help me! Visit the source file link with Firefox and click on one of the three links in the dashed div space.

Source file address: http://learn-croatian.com/apdejt
Destionation file address: http://learn-croatian.com/apdejt/usluge.php

Here's the code I used for making anchors on the destination page (it's named usluge.php):

...<span class="naslov_blok"><a name="prijevod">professional translations</a></span>...

And here's the link I used on the source file:

...<small><a href="usluge.php#prijevod">read more</a></small>...

Here is a screenshot of the problem:


Thank you in advance!

It works OK in HTML files.

Need more info:
- What does the class in the span tag do?
- Is part of your page dynamically formed?
- Did you forget to close a tag above the span tag?
- Is there a change caused by the use of php.


The style:

.naslov_blok {font-variant:small-caps;letter-spacing:1px;font-weight:bold;}

- Nothing is dinamically formed but I use php includes.

- No, as far as divs and spans go because it would mess up my layout.

- Like I said I use includes, only that.

There are some warnings in Firefox about closing div tags in your pages. Maybe try to fix that....

Could you tell me how to check for that myself? I'm guessing with the web developer extension somehow?

Im not very good with anchors, but im pretty sure the anchor link is incorrect. try to make the link go to that page, but use cookies to redirect to the section when the page loads.

I've checked several sites that use anchors and my code if flawless. It's nothing complicated, 2 tags and that's it.

Plus I can't code what you said. I'm guessing it's a css thing but I need to find that loose div tag.

Bosko could you please tell me how did Firefox tell you that there are unclosed div tags?

Zdravo poslanik!
When open your page in Firefox press ctrl+u to see page code and then you will see all warnings (not just about divs).

Hvala :)

But I haven't noticed any warnings, just code. I opened the code of the index page and of the page where the anchors are situated.

You have to install a Firefox plugin HTML validator TIDY(tools->plugin).

So I've installed this addon called Html validator version and it told me that 3 divs needn't be there. I removed them but the problem hasn't gone away.

This is one of the few bugs which inflict only Firefox... very rare.

I guess nobody else has any ideas on how to fix it?

Dumb question, but does this page use a lot of browser cache?

I found the trouble.

You have the charset declared as utf-8, but the validator says there are characters which are not utf-8.

I know, but that's of little help. I used that firefox html validator add-on and look what it said:


So I'm guessing that those & in the links are causing the problem to w3c's validator. However, if that was the case I don't know how anyone would be able to validate their sites...

And remember, everything is fine in IE and Opera.

P.S. I've changed all & to &amp; but the problem wasn't fixed. There was also the copyright sign at the beginning of the file because of which you couldn't validate the page. I've removed this and it's now possible to do so. Try to validate it again please, maybe this time you'll find more info.

I copyed your code to my computer and anchors are working! in Firefox. Ofcourse I don't see any images, css or js which means that your problem is in css or js codes. Try to check this, change it untill you don't find solution. It's there.

  1. Error Line 90 column 30: there is no attribute "ALIGN".
    You have used the deprecated attribute named above in your document.
  2. Warning Line 110 column 79: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "af_id".
    The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs. Keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters
  3. Error Line 110 column 79: general entity "af_id" not defined and no default entity.
  4. Error Line 110 column 84: reference to entity "af_id" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  5. Info Line 110 column 78: entity was defined here.
  6. Warning Line 110 column 90: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "action".
  7. Error Line 110 column 90: general entity "action" not defined and no default entity.
  8. Error Line 110 column 96: reference to entity "action" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  9. Info Line 110 column 89: entity was defined here.
  10. Warning Line 110 column 105: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "loc_id".
  11. Error Line 110 column 105: general entity "loc_id" not defined and no default entity.
  12. Error Line 110 column 111: reference to entity "loc_id" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  13. Info Line 110 column 104: entity was defined here.
  14. Error Line 110 column 129: there is no attribute "BORDER".
    You have used the deprecated attribute named above in your document.
  15. Error Line 110 column 146: required attribute "ALT" not specified.The attribute given above is required for an element that you've used, but you have omitted it.
  16. Error Line 114 column 10: there is no attribute "TARGET".
    You have used the deprecated attribute named above in your document.
  17. Warning Line 118 column 64: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "A".
  18. Error Line 118 column 64: general entity "A" not defined and no default entity.
  19. Error Line 118 column 65: reference to entity "A" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  20. Info Line 118 column 63: entity was defined here.
  21. Warning Line 118 column 70: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "Task".
  22. Error Line 118 column 70: general entity "Task" not defined and no default entity.
  23. Error Line 118 column 74: reference to entity "Task" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  24. Info Line 118 column 69: entity was defined here.
  25. Error Line 118 column 175: reference to entity "A" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  26. Info Line 118 column 63: entity was defined here.
  27. Error Line 118 column 184: reference to entity "Task" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  28. Info Line 118 column 69: entity was defined here.
  29. Warning Line 122 column 65: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "u".
  30. Error Line 122 column 65: general entity "u" not defined and no default entity.
  31. Error Line 122 column 66: reference to entity "u" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  32. Info Line 122 column 64: entity was defined here.
  33. Warning Line 122 column 74: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "m".
  34. Error Line 122 column 74: general entity "m" not defined and no default entity.
  35. Error Line 122 column 75: reference to entity "m" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  36. Info Line 122 column 73: entity was defined here.
  37. Warning Line 122 column 82: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "urllink".
  38. Error Line 122 column 82: general entity "urllink" not defined and no default entity.
  39. Error Line 122 column 89: reference to entity "urllink" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  40. Info Line 122 column 81: entity was defined here.
  41. Warning Line 122 column 91: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "afftrack".
  42. Error Line 122 column 91: general entity "afftrack" not defined and no default entity.
  43. Error Line 122 column 99: reference to entity "afftrack" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  44. Info Line 122 column 90: entity was defined here.
  45. Error Line 122 column 166: required attribute "ALT" not specified.
  46. Warning Line 126 column 59: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "LinkName".
  47. Error Line 126 column 59: general entity "LinkName" not defined and no default entity.
  48. Error Line 126 column 67: reference to entity "LinkName" for which no system identifier could be generated.
  49. Info Line 126 column 58: entity was defined here.
  50. Error Line 126 column 146: required attribute "ALT" not specified.
  51. Error Line 142 column 65: required attribute "ALT" not specified.
  52. Error Line 150 column 11: element "CENTER" undefined.
    You have used the deprecated tag named above in your document.
  53. Error Line 152 column 227: required attribute "ALT" not specified.
  54. Error Line 160 column 9: ID "INFO" already defined.An "id" is a unique identifier. Each time this attribute is used in a document it must have a different value. If you are using this attribute as a hook for style sheets it may be more appropriate to use classes (which group elements) than id (which are used to identify exactly one element).
  55. Info Line 140 column 9: ID "INFO" first defined here.
  56. Error Line 162 column 107: required attribute "ALT" not specified.
  57. Error Line 172 column 9: ID "INFO" already defined.
  58. Info Line 140 column 9: ID "INFO" first defined here.
  59. Error Line 174 column 106: required attribute "ALT" not specified.
  60. Error Line 266 column 38: document type does not allow element "A" here; missing one of "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "PRE", "DIV", "ADDRESS" start-tag.The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned.
    One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
  61. Error Line 267 column 127: required attribute "ALT" not specified.
  62. Error Line 268 column 10: end tag for "NOSCRIPT" which is not finished.Most likely, You nested tags and closed them in the wrong order. Another possibility is that you used an element which requires a child element that you did not include.
  63. Error Line 281 column 5: end tag for element "DIV" which is not open.
  64. Error Line 281 column 11: end tag for element "DIV" which is not open.
  65. Error Line 281 column 17: end tag for element "DIV" which is not open.
  66. Error Line 292 column 56: there is no attribute "ALIGN".
    You have used the deprecated attribute named above in your document.

I think your page problem is caused by multiple uses of the same id. Substitute class for id and put a . where you have the # in your style sheet.

Many of the errors are unescaped & symbols.

Thanks Boško, thanks everyone.

I've tried replacing id with class but no help :( I've also tried changing & with &amp; but no help. I've virtually tried everything the validator told me to fix.

I just can't figure this one out.

Thanks Boško, thanks everyone.

I've tried replacing id with class but no help :( I've also tried changing & with &amp; but no help. I've virtually tried everything the validator told me to fix.

I just can't figure this one out.

Why didn't you leave them replaced?

If you make the indicated changes, then we can try the validator again.

I've same problem on http://blog.brainsellers.de, so please post the solution if you found it.

The site validates just fine, also does the css.
you can watch the problem by clicking on a comment link for example ("Kommentar" in german).
What puzzles me most is that, if you view the source on a cropped page the whole code is there. firefox just doesn't show it anymore.

edit: sorry for waking up that old thread, but it was also posted in april and i didn't recognize the year :)
and after there is still no solution posted i think it's still actuall (at least it is for me)

ps: sorry for any mistakes in my english, i'm not a native speaker.

I haven't found the problem. However, I can't see yours. I've opened the page in IE6 and clickedo Kommentare but a new page opens and nothing drops.

I haven't found the problem. However, I can't see yours. I've opened the page in IE6 and clickedo Kommentare but a new page opens and nothing drops.

the problem doesn't occur in IE, only in firefox and safari. opera and IE show it correct (usually it's the other way :) )
it should show up if you click on "Kommentare" or follow this link <snipped>

Use the Error Console under Tools in Firefox.

Use the W3C Validator to check your code.


Note that using # in a url causes the page to open at that named anchor.

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