can any body help me with codes that can u to search for kewords in my web page? i am new to dw and can only use html and css. thanks

I'm not sure what you want. ???

Are you wanting this to help you edit a web page, or to help others find something in your page?

If you want to find words in your page to do edits, Notepad has that capability. just use edit / find.

If others want to search your page, they can always use the Find In This Page function in their web browser. It's in the Edit menu.

If you want a search for your site like Google search, it's beyond the scope of HTML/CSS.

I'm not sure what you want. ???

Are you wanting this to help you edit a web page, or to help others find something in your page?

If you want to find words in your page to do edits, Notepad has that capability. just use edit / find.

If others want to search your page, they can always use the Find In This Page function in their web browser. It's in the Edit menu.

If you want a search for your site like Google search, it's beyond the scope of HTML/CSS.

so what can i do to get to search within my site like it is done in google? Thanks

One possibility is to find a search function on the web. You will probably have to buy it.

Another is to search the site with a server-side script.

Thanks for the google custom search, it worked for me. Thanks once again.

Pls, How can i add a hit counter on my web site? Thanks so much.

Just do a search for Free Hit counter script and add it to your site. There are thousands of them out there. If you are hosting your site with someone check if they have one, most hosts will include a free hot counter as well.

Pls, How can i add a hit counter on my web
site? Thanks so much.

What exactly you want?

You want to show others how many hits you got or for your tracking how many visitors came to your site?

If it is case 1st then there is Statcounter which easy to use and install... and if it is 2nd the try Google Analytics in this you can see complete web statistics of your site...( )


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