ive got a blogspot and i want to add a video that i made on captivate how do i convert it and how do i add it on my blogspot

please help

bondi 007 :(

yes but when i make a screencast it comes as a swf file how do i convert it is there any converters and on my blog it just shows you the whole blogs html so where do i put it

bondi 007:)

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

You can simply insert swf file into html page. Would be far better since you wont get the name of any other site in your page. Also every internet user has flash player.

so how do i insert this swf into my blogger account and what do i do

sorry for me being such a noob

bondi 007:)

No, every Internet user does NOT have a flash player. Some interoffice office systems prohibit them.

so what do i do

sorry for me being so thick

bondi 007

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

No, every Internet user does NOT have a flash player. Some interoffice office systems prohibit them.

Majority of them have. At least the audience he aims at have.

To insert flash movie you could direcly publish it for web(HTML). I think all captivate has that option. I haven't used it but dreamweaver, flash, fireworks have it, so I expect it to have to.

The other way is to code yourself, but it would be quite long and hard to remember. You could google it and get results you want. Here's a nice tool which may help you:

when i save a swf i open it in my web browser i view the source (html) then i put it on my site is doesnt show up what do i put in my html for it to show up?

bondi 007:'(

i think i tried this and it didnt work but if its a different one and it works CHEERS MATE

i will let you know how it works

bondi 007

It kaks out it fims what its doing not what i told it to convert and all the movies i convert are about 1 seconds long according to the program

please help
bondi 007:'(

Ok.. and how is it possible that you have your video in swf format and not for example in avi format? :)

when i publish the file you can only have it in
or Handouts

Please Help
bondi 007:'(

Hi Bondi, you can use this code in your HTML to play your SWF but automatically :) so the best solution is Youtube anyway I think.

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="400" id="myMovieName"><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="file.swf"><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF><EMBED src="file.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="400"
NAME="myMovieName" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"

Change file.swf to your swf filename, and you can change HEIGHT and WIDTH too.

sorry i dont get u im thick

could you do it begginer style

bondi 007:)

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