Hello all,

I'm new in here and i want learn something, CSS!.

Well i have some problem for css, i need to know how to make fixed image background, please see my attached file.

please help me for tag and css properties. i really need help. thanks

thanks all.

Hello all,

I'm new in here and i want learn something, CSS!.

Well i have some problem for css, i need to know how to make fixed image background, please see my attached file.

please help me for tag and css properties. i really need help. thanks

thanks all.

  <STYLE type="text/css">
    background-image: url('imageurl.jpg');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 30% 20%;

you can change the background-postion line to suit where you wish to have your image, or to specify an absolute position use "px" instead of "%"

add a:

background-attachment: fixed

to your body tag's CSS rules; if you want the background to stay still wherever the user scrolls.

bear in mind, this might not work in all browsers,.. i can confirm it works in IE6 and Opera, but I seem to remember having trouble with it at some point..

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