Hi there,

I would like to add nice background into my blog page unfortunately I’m not web design nor savvy about web stuff.

The blog I use is very standard so by me adding my own background I can even publicise daniweb on it.

Please can you throw some suggestion I don’t really want those background from the web. Thanks


I think this question is pretty much impossible to answer without a link to your website. Assuming you are just going to use a image as your background, this is also something that HTML or CSS are going to be unable to help you with. It might be a good idea to ask the graphics forum about designs. A lot of the time, simple colours work fine as a background.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

White text on a black background, is a definite no no.

And background images or "watermarks" is so yesterday. (distracting more than anything else)

I don't really see why you would want to change the way your blog looks. White text on black backgroung... well I actually don't mind it. I do agree however that an image background will be distracting more than "nice". In my opinion that web site looks good (maybe change the reply box appearance if anything).

Member Avatar for iamthwee

>White text on black backgroung... well I actually don't mind it.

You may have a point

But others would say

Now some wallpapers, can be executed if the design is simple and not distracting.

Thanks guys I really appreciated your op'nion

White text on a black background, is a definite no no.

And background images or "watermarks" is so yesterday. (distracting more than anything else)

Mind you how do I add this images you have posted though? Can clarify a bit mate. Sorry if I sound so stupid. Cheers

.bgim {background-image: url(myimage.jpg);}


<div class="bgim">
stuff inside

Use background-repeat to tell the browser whether or not to use repetition, background-position to adjust it.

You can use any box object in place of the div.

Be aware that browsers let their owners keep you from changing the color of links. Your black background could hide links.

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