Hi guys,
first & foremost, my apologies if this is posted in the wrong zone - feel welcome to move it if necessary.
OK, and on to my situation...
I'm attempting to rewrite my navigation bar (vbulletin) to use images as oppose plain text. I used to frontpage2003 to start me off (I'm absolutely inexperienced to the lowest level). It all works fine (using 'interactive buttons') on frontpage, but it doesn't work one bit when applied to the templates.
I have zero experience in css & java/javascript so really I'm asking for the most basic of assistance to get me going here.
I'd like to have my navbar so it has - similar to daniweb's navbar by chance - an image that says "User CP" in blue... when hovered, the 'ink' changes to a red, and when clicked the whole image changes again to reflect a 'depressed button' and deep blue ink for the text.
I know it's an easy task, and I apologise for asking such easily answered questions, but I have googled for well over an hour now in an effort to find out what I should be doing.
Allt he information I can locate though doesn't appear to be helping me one bit. Thus, here I am... Any help at all, greatly appreciated.