Google's Nexus One is No More. Official Online Store Sold Out

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It’s official folks, Google’s Nexus One has officially been discontinued and will no longer be available from their online store. Engadget points out that the only way to get the phone is through KT, a Korean phone company (good luck), or Vodafone. Google is planning on distributing what remaining phones they do have to registered developers only, down the road.

The Nexus One never really stood out as a high-end phone. It lacked the powerful hardware found in phones like HTC’s Evo 4G and the Droid X. It made up for this with an identity that spoke to users who appreciate a higher level of control that is usually corralled in by the manufacturer or service provider. Google always debuted the latest version of the Android OS on the Nexus, a wonderful perk for Android advocates who purchased Google’s device. The cream of the Nexus cake was the unlocked wireless radio (a.k.a., the baseband). It will be a nice surprise if other manufacturers followed in Google’s footsteps, even if the inspiration comes from a commercial flop. In Google’s case however, it may be hard to accept that the sales accurately reflect the consumer’s satisfaction.

It was a nice experiment while it lasted, Google. It may have been too early for a Google phone, but I expect they might give it another go somewhere down the road. In the meantime, Android users are begging for open access to firmware updates for all devices. Thoughts, Google?

[Via: Engadget ]