If you own a Motorola T720 phone and use Verizon as a provider, you should have noticed that Verizon only allows you to download ringtones and wallpapers from there "Get-It-Now" service, ONLY. Meaning, any other ringtone WAP websites that offer ringtones are blocked from your phone.

The above link are people taking charge. They're trying to develop a "hack" to the phone, or at least trying to get Verizon to change there stupid policy. Something worthy to note, they are already in contact with the Verizon president in this issue.

Go there, join the group and check it out! I'm a member!

(I own two T720's, two V120e's, and one V60c, all on Verizon)

Dani commented: This post got us into the search engines big time! +36

When you type in the URL, it's very important you make sure you have the http:// part

It works on my other Motorola Phone... the V120.

Nice webmail and messenger features :-).

I'd like to ask a question how is this...

Just to follow up, the phone has, indeed, been cracked and you can now route around Verizon's Get It Now service.

You can read my tutorial on using gagin to upload ringtones and pix at

... materially, not to mention ethically, different than warez s/w cracks? If this was warez s/w crack related, would you condone it's posting on TTF?

Personally I think stuff like this is okay because technically it's not doing anything illegal. (note the keyword: this stuff is all perfectly legal) It's basically just hunting and digging for an alternate service to Verizon's www plan. As for what I posted, it's just a Yahoo! WAP server - so that's perfectly legal also. Not really true "hacks".

(As an example of something illegal, connecting to the www via the Verizon service by fooling the phone into thinking you are a subscriber to the service, using a fake pin, etc)

What is also not condoned is like the way that someone (going back quite awhile) posted a WindowsXP serial. That was deleted within the hour. ;)

Check out this thread for more info:

still seems a bit unethical to me, but...

I dunno. To each his own, I guess. I don't really see a point into getting into any form of heated ethics debate over this.

I just don't see it as being illegal because you're paying Verizon for use of the phone service (and with that, a simple modem to dial into computer systems.) Then, if you want, you can pay Verizon extra for their paid service which gives you access to their WAP network (hence, the Verizon WWW service).

Instead, you're using your phone to connect to a Yahoo! WAP server, for example. It's not really a hack or a crack or anything illegal. It's just finding those people (and companies) who are providing you free access to the info on their servers (and providing access to their servers via a mobile phone).

It's like lets say you bought a modem from AOL (just pretend ;)) but then you used MSN's dial-up service because it was cheaper.

Is their any why I can have AIM on my : Motorola T720 ? e-mail me with ur help.

I have a web enabled LG 510...will this approach work on that as well or is this more of a Motorola thing?

Thanks in advance!

I was able to get Gagin up and running fine using the procedures for ringtones,GIF images, and applications. However,...there are some "gaps".

1, Can someone tell me where (I don't see it on GIN(Get it Now)..not GIF's that is) I can dowload GIF images on my phone that I can also use for wallpaper. I do not just one to "replace" the ones in the phone. Those "Lord of the Rings", exego and others I downloaded DO NOT appear in "my media" category, perhaps because they are not in GIF format.

2, I was able to transfer Applications with Gagin from one 720 to another, However, it would not allow me to backup most of them. For example, I was able to transfer Jamdat Bowling perfectly fine and NOT "FOX Hit the Pro's". - on the "" file I get "error-could not read from device". All other files from it transfer fine.


Yahoo service is free - only takes airtime.

is there a way to set up ones own wap say on my own webpage or something???

Does anyone know how to run this hack on the Audiovox CDM8600? I followed all the instructions but I do not have any such options in my browser settings. Is it possible Verizon disabled settings just to prevent this?

still seems a bit unethical to me, but...

just close your eyes :p

I have a T720 with Versizon service and seem to be having problems using the PST software. I am able to log onto my phone, read an EMS file and save it. I then have created a new EMS file using MBE. When I use the phone programmer in PST to upload the new file it starts up and when it gets to uploading the wallpaper or ringtones into the phone the phone shuts off and freezes up(will not restart until battery is removed and replaced) and the PST program completely closes. Not sure what the problem is but maybe it is with WIN XP. Anyone that has a correction for this problem please post. Thanks.

Entourage 2004 cannot go online using Motorola T720c for Verizon as a modem

Does anyone know how I can connect Entourage 2004 to the Internet using Motorola T720c to send & receive e-mail messages from a POP3 account?

It works in Entourage X, AppleMail, and Safari on Jaguar and Panther, but it doesn't work in Entourage 2004. I do have Norton Antivirus 9 but disabling its Auto-Protect does not fix the issue.

Please help!!! I can't check e-mails now and I'm on a trip to California then to Toronto.

Brag about it :cool: I was thinking about getting a new phone, Im not really sure what plan I have. It is verizon though.

Okay, I'm a complete idiot when it comes to phones...I bought a data cable and CD off ebay. It has some instructions, but they are so convoluted I can't figure out what to do. I played around until I got Gagin to allow me to exchnge wallpaper, but I haven't been able to get any ringtones on the phone. I have a motorola T720c from Verizon. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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