i was just wondering what are some of the best android applications.i have a huawei ideos and im new to android.

For apps, try evernote it is a very good app. For games there are classical games like angry birds, fruit ninja or ninjump.

Get Google Goggles. If your phone has GPS get Compass, a nice app. Get a file manager, I use ES File Explorer.

Google Sky Maps is a nice app if you are interested in stars and stuff. A pretty cool app even if you are not.

Get twitter, facebook for android, if you are of the social networking type.

To use android market first create a google mail. Good luck

There are many great apps out there, are you looking for any particular types of apps?

For travel I recommend TripCase. Lookout it a great security program, they have a free and premium version, the premium version features remote wipe and lock. Astro to access the files and items stored on my micro sd card.

These are just a few of the many apps that I use. AppJudgement on Revision3.com is a great show that reviews mobile applications for multiple smart phones.

Hope this helps.

Free :
--- Games ---
0. Angry Birds
1. Angry Birds Seasons
2. Angry Birds Rio
3. Pool Master Pro
4. Robotek
5. Words Free
6. Gem Miner

--- Social Networking ---

0. Foursquare
1. Facebook for Android
2. Twitter for Android
3. Tweetdeck ( Combo of Facebook and Twitter, posts to both in one app.)
4. Justin.tv
5. Skype
6. textPlus ( If you don't have texting but have data - textPlus is the way to go.)

--- Entertainment/Miscellaneous ---

0. 1 Million Wallpapers
1. Comic Strips
2. Dolphin Browser HD
3. SC2 Casts

--- Google's Stuff ---

0. Google Maps (Also installs Navigation,Places,Latitude,Maps.)
1. Google Goggles
2. Google Sky Map


--- Games ---
0.Doodle Jump
1. Doodle God
2. Fruit Ninja
3. Flight Control


For games you can try Inotia 3. It is a free game and awesome too. Sorry about posting in an old thread myself too.

If you want free games. Android marker has a separate category for it. Under the category Top Free. You can see the top free games.

Zenonia too, its like Pokemon graphics WoW

Can anyone advise on the issue (maybe you've faced it as well) - I am not able to create or log in the google account via my android :( All the time the system says that there are temperory problems ..and it lasts for several months already..

Can you start a new thread of your own.

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