For some odd reason, this whole week, my phone hasn't managed to get even 10% charge on it after charging it overnight. Basically, I plug it in at night, charge it for at least 7 hours, and in the morning it'll have about 10% charge. Why does it do that? It seems that while the phone charges, when recieving a notification, blocks it from charging even if it is powered off...

Do you have another charger to test with to rule out a charger issue?

Are you plugging into a wall charger, or is it plugged into a computer USB port? As JorgeM suggested, try an alternate charger. So, if you don't have another wall charger, try a USB connection to a live computer. If it still doesn't get beyond 10%, then it is most likely a bad battery, or a bad charging circuit in the phone.

Both chargers seem to do it but one works a bit better than the other. Also, for some odd reason, the charger and the phone get hot sometimese (as if i was playing a heavy duty game for sevral hours straight). Also, it gets plugged into a wall rather than my computer.

Then try a new battery or take it in for repair. How old is it?

Then try a new battery or take it in for repair. How old is it?

its the latest galaxy s5. i will send it in for repair but idk of any samsung store near me... i may switch it to lg g3 (i switch my phone very often)

as if i was playing a heavy duty game for sevral hours straight

Did you by any chance happen to have discharged the battery completely while playing a heavy duty game? If so, I would bet your battery is toast. Reaching the minimum charge on a battery while drawing a lot of current from it can easily cause permanent damage to it, after which it can't be charged fully again.

Did you by any chance happen to have discharged the battery completely while playing a heavy duty game? If so, I would bet your battery is toast. Reaching the minimum charge on a battery while drawing a lot of current from it can easily cause permanent damage to it, after which it can't be charged fully again.

I think the battery has deep discharged.

Did you by any chance happen to have discharged the battery completely while playing a heavy duty game? If so, I would bet your battery is toast.

I don't play games on it... i normally would have about 1 or 2 games and end up deleting it about an hour later (i operate a bit differently on ios devices ;)).

Well, i will try sending it to samsung for repairs... if they can't fix it then i will go to LG G3

Judging by your other post here, it seems that you busted three expensive phones in a row. In my experience, people who really have "bad luck" with their electronic devices are in reality just too careless with them. You might want to consider that. BTW, who's covering the bills for all these phones? I can't imagine he's very happy with you.

Judging by your other post here, it seems that you busted three expensive phones in a row

Yeah. that's true.

In my experience, people who really have "bad luck" with their electronic devices are in reality just too careless with them.

No... i am actually not, believe it or not. I tend to buy things to keep my devices protected with special cases but even then, things happen...

BTW, who's covering the bills for all these phones?

My parents.

I can't imagine he's very happy with you.

They don't mind nor do they care very much due to the fact that I have a gpa higher than a 4 in school and I do very well in several other places (don't judge my computer skills, hehe). Plus, i deal with them in absolute respect so they are always happy with me. They won't spend a penny on anyone who doesn't really deserve it (typical muslim business families).

My brother had an S4 and he had a problem with the battery swelling up and not charging properly/ loosing charge quickly.

Turned out to be a know fault and they replaced it so do a few searches to see if it's a known fault. Hopefully they might replace the battery for you.

Hopefully they might replace the battery for you.

They better. I sent my phone to samsung... I will see what they say by tomorrow.

Okay... so according to them, my phone was "destroyed" when it came out of the factory (in other words, they are giving me a new phone OR my money back (I will just take my money back and get the LG G3 :D))

Well, it looks to me that your device battery may have been worn out an may require replacement. Do one thing try removing your device battery put it over to the flat surface and try spinning it if the battery spins freely then I guess your battery may have been swollen and will require replacement. I would say bettery try doing the test it will help you in undderstanding wether there is a need for replacing your battery or there is something else going on. And yes let me know if I have guided you over the correct path.

commented: clever +10

@kelly... i never even thought of that

@<M/> I have been going through various other forums to feed you with some useful comment and it ended me up with some android forum where some users are discussing about it I have tried doing the same at first i was thinking its just another joke which people use to ! But then I thought for a while and the i must say this trick works.

commented: weird methods can be good +0

@kelly, sometimes the weird methods are the best methods. :)

Well @<M/> I would truly agree with you sometimes, some weird methods is the best way to help you out in solving the issue! Anyway I can see your question is been marked as solved. would like to know what did it really fixed or you have just marked this question as solved because you have go some appropriate advice which you are going to try later.

. would like to know what did it really fixed or you have just marked this question as solved because you have go some appropriate advice which you are going to try later.

I would have tried your method but I sent it to Samsung and they said it was a mistake on their part and they are giving me a compensation. Apparently, that battery was likely to blow up...

[quote] would like to know what did it really fixed or you have just marked this question as solved because you have go some appropriate advice which you are going to try later[/quote]

oh my gosh it seems that you are very close to get yourself in trouble ! I am glad that nothing has gone wrong and they are giving you the compensation.

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