Larger Capacity iTouch and iPhone

Dani 0 Tallied Votes 482 Views Share

This is rather belated news, but I figured it was worth posting anyways. Apple has recently unveiled larger capacity versions of the iTouch and iPhone. The iTouch, originally only available in 8 gig and 16 gig versions, now boasts a whopping 32 gig version with a $500 pricetag.

The iPhone began with 4 gig and 8 gig versions. Then they ditched the 4 gig model quicker than you could blink, lowered the pricetag, and released the 8 gig and 16 gig iTouch. Now they're following suit with a 16 gig iPhone with the same pricetag of the new 32 gig iTouch: $500.

This news also comes with the announcement of their SDK, which will allow a limited number of developers accepted into their program to pay $99 for an SDK Kit to begin developing native apps. Aside from the much-anticipated native applications, other features that came as a result of firmware updates to an already-launched device include Microsoft Exchange support, a GPS capability for their maps, and an iTunes store on-the-go.

peter_budo 2,532 Code tags enforcer Team Colleague Featured Poster

They have to bring something extra so people will pay for it. This is because other companies behind mobile development are introducing their devices with similar storage capacity. Example is lates product line of SonyEricsson W960 or W980, Nokia N81 or N95 (all 8GB) or Nokia N96(16GB) plus many others...

UrbanKhoja 89 Practically a Posting Shark Featured Poster

I'm not sure whether it's the company just re-allocating stock; but there is a recall coming up for the touch - just the 16GB I think.

Dazza :cool:

JonathanD 16 Marketing Consultant Team Colleague

that's what I'm holding out for.

iPhone on 3G + 32gb capacity

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