Can the $99 iPhone beat off 40 new Androids?

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Are you an Android or an iPhone? Maybe you are undecided, which could be he best position to be in as it seems that the smartphone market is set to be spoilt for choice in 2009. It would appear that Apple is set to release no less than three new iPhones this year while the competing Android powered camp could be flooded with no less than 40 new handsets.

Apple is rumoured to be getting ready to launch no less than three new iPhone handsets within the next few months. The one with the most bling will almost certainly be the 32GB iPhone which is said to be coming in a variety of different and vibrant colours. Peter Misek, an analyst with Canadian research outfit Canaccord Adams, reckons this Nanofication of the iPhone will commence within six months. There is also likely to be a back to basics model, low cost and stripped of the kind of high end functionality we demand in the West (GPS for example) targeted at the Chinese and Indian markets. How that gels with the whole 'Console Experience' boast from Apple I am not sure.Finally, and completing this trio of iPhones, the report claims another cheap iPhone will be heading West before the year end. This will be a third smaller than the current iPhone 3G and cost around 40 percent less. There is no hint as to what features and functionality this device would carry though. A June launch for the first of the new iPhones is somewhat validated by United Arab Emirates mobile carrier Etisalat. It has leaked that it expects a new iPhone in June according to multiple sources (Go Google.)

As if that wasn't exciting enough news for those of you who get excited by smartphone hardware rumours, then how about this: 40 new Android handsets are coming your way. According to some reports It is predicting that number will be on the market by the end of the year. In Germany alone, it is rumoured that there will be as many as eight new Android handsets coming this year on the 02 network. The Open Handset Alliance is likely to be driving hard to get Android handsets into the market for under $200 in order to compete with the iPhone head on.

Of course, not all iPhones cost $2.5 million and if Apple do push out that $99 iPhone then the Android could be in big trouble no matter how many handsets it floods the market with.

Techwriter10 42 Practically a Posting Shark

I've been very interested to see which Android phones will follow the G1,which wasn't terribly impressive as a debut. As more Android phones enter the market, it should be interesting to see if they gain traction or not. As for iPhone rumors, when it comes to Apple, there's always lots of rumors, but it's never easy to tell fact from fiction until the day it actually makes announcements. Doesn't make it any less fun to speculate, however.


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