Apple's new golden gadget, the iPad, appears to have laid its first golden egg. There are reports abounding of it failing to connect to WiFi networks properly - and Apple appears to have confirmed them.
Clearly this is something that's hit only those territories in which the device is available, which basically means the US for the moment. Apple shareholders will be wondering whether this is going to persist by the time other territories roll out.
It's difficult to overstate the importance of this bug, if it's going to be a bug that lasts. Various research suggests that the vast majority of iPad owners will want to use the device to browse the web. Here's a blog on why this separates it from the Kindle, for example.
And if it won't browse properly, that kind of goes away. So it's useful for, umm...well, probably quite a lot of stuff - photo sharing (but not through social networking sites), e-reading (but only if we download some other way, and not at all in the UK unless they're holding back an announcement).
Maybe this is precisely why nobody should ever buy the first iteration of any gadget, ever.