I have a ASUS A8n-sli premium one with heat pipe....I had just the board in my hands nothing eles and it made a fast pace clicking sound.......HOW??????Not that ot bothers me more that i want to know HOW and WHY.Any hidden fans or something

please tell me you grounded yourself before touching electrosensitive components like the motherboard, if not that noise may well have ben static, and you may have killed your motherboard

Hmm never thought of stactic. My board is working and it didnt get shocked when i installed it. Odd thing is when i pushed the pci Xpress lever the noise stoped

it takes 20,000 volts of static electricity before you will feel or see a shock, but it only takes 3 volts to destroy a mobo. you are very lucky the mobo is still working.

always use a mat, wrist strap and touch an earthed object first

So is my board damaged?


does it work?

It works but i get random lock ups. Doubt it is my mobo tho. I also getartifacts.

artifacts means bad graphics card (if its built in then motherboard) usually due to heat or static, can be permanent sometimes

hmmmmmm...Is it possible i have alot of static in my pc...never heard of this before.
J/w because i hear glitches in my sound due to static

no, your pc is grounded

it is possible for you to have shocked the graphics card with your static when installing it, that will have caused the problem. or maybe you need a driver update.

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