
I searched this forum for similiar threads but the difference is that I'm using Windows Me. So, I'm starting a new thread.

I've a USB port on my motherboard. As the version is ME, it must be plug and play. But when I connect the flash drive and go to 'My Computer', it does not say 'New hardware found'. It does not even display the G: drive. The device manager shows that there are no IRQ conflicts and the device is working properly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

What make is this Memory Stick? Did it come with drivers?
Some Verbatim Memory Sticks require drivers to be downloaded from their site to enable them to work with older version of Windows.
I would check the site of the Maker of your Memory Stick for any drivers for your product.

What make is this Memory Stick? Did it come with drivers?

It is manufactured by moser-baer. No, It didn't come with the drivers. And it is mentioned in the little manual that came with it that it is driver-less in Windows Me.

Please help. And tell me if I need to specify more details in order to aid the troubleshooting.

mmm interesting,
Well if in the manual it says it won't work with the system you are running, i don't think it is going to work!
Does it say in the manual or on their website that it is compatible with Windows ME?
If not then you could try to install the software for the hardware manually. Go into Control Panel, then Add Hardware. This will take you through a wizard that might find drivers for your USB stick.
If that fails take it back to where you bought it from and buy a Memory stick that specifically states Windows ME compatible.

Well if in the manual it says it won't work with the system you are running, i don't think it is going to work!

I didn't say that!! It is driver less means it does not need a driver in windows Me...

Does it say in the manual or on their website that it is compatible with Windows ME?


If not then you could try to install the software for the hardware manually. Go into Control Panel, then Add Hardware. This will take you through a wizard that might find drivers for your USB stick.

It doesn't display that new haardware is found because the USB port is already there in the device manager when I insert the stick. That is what I said iin the first post in the thread.

If that fails take it back to where you bought it from and buy a Memory stick that specifically states Windows ME compatible.

Hey, this one is Me compatible.

Obvious question, have you tried it in a different USB port? The USB port you are trying to use may not be working.

Yes, I've tried and it works. But the port where it worked was on a XP

IAnd it is mentioned in the little manual that came with it that it is driver-less in Windows Me.

that could be taken both way ,it is driver less in ME could also mean there is no ME driver written for this device .when connected to winxp it uses XP drivers for the deivce ,its not driver less in XP !it has to use drivers no matter what OS,im thinking it could be a usb 2.0 ,usb 1.1 issue .it may be usb 2.0 and not be backward compatible to 1.1

Let me give some more details from the manual to clear the confusion.

-Compatible with USB specification version 2.0 & 1.1.
-Driver-less in Windows ME/2000/XP

But it works fine with XP, which is said to be driver-less. This means that the meaning of driverless means 'no driver needed' over here. So, that is not the problem. And this

im thinking it could be a usb 2.0 ,usb 1.1 issue .it may be usb 2.0 and not be backward compatible to 1.1

is also not the real problem.

ok clear a mud .lol
do other usb devices work in the ME machine

I've not tried using any other usb devices as of now. What do you suggest?

I've not tried using any other usb devices as of now. What do you suggest?

try any other usb device you may have ,also go to the device manager make sure the usb controller is installed ,it will be the last one in the list .if its there but with yellow or red !, then it will need to be installed,the drivers for it will come from a motherboard disk or web site with your motherboard chipset drivers
check this link for info on the device manager

Unfortunately, I don't have any other usb devices with me. And yes, the usb controller is installed. Thanks, I'll go through the link and come back to you.

I checked out the link given above but could not find anything that could solve my problem :(

I checked out the link given above but could not find anything that could solve my problem :(

the link is just general info on using device manager ,you need to try another usb device ,go to walmart and but another usb thumb drive ,threre only 12 bucks

Jishnu, I d exactly the same problem. Tried all sorts of updates and attempts to re-install drivers and then found this solution on a web forum. It worked first time for me. the solution was to go open up the registry editor and then locate "HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion". Find "Device Path" in this folder and make sure that whatever is there points to "%SystemRoot%\inf" Take out anything else. When you then exit the registry and plug in the flash drive it should be recognised and either installed or you can install via device manager and update drivers. It worked for me immediately. (To be safe I would back up the registry before making the change or make a note of exactly what was there before you made the change as is always good practice when making registry changes).
Good luck - Pilgrim.

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