Somebody at work gave me an Athlon XP 2000+ computer which is faster than my old p4 and it only has 256 mb RAM but it has 3 more slots; mine uses RAMBUS memory which is too expensive, so I was going to put my hard drive in this computer, which has no hard drive in it and when I tried I got a NON-SYSTEM disk error. It's a 40 gb IDE drive and it boots up fine in my Compaq so I don't know what the problem is. When the BIOS comes up it recognizes the drive, which has Windows XP installed.

you need to change the boot order so it checks the HDD before the floppy, cdrom etc...

btw a new pc means you will have to reinstall windows

I went in the BIOS and I couldn't find the boot order; maybe I was looking in the wrong place so I disconnected the CD ROM lol. But it still doesn't boot. OK I guess I will try booting from the CD ROM and reinstalling. That's going to be a pain.

if you have a full version of winxp you can do a repair install ,others here don't suggest it but i do it all the time on motherboard changes .
check here =

also you can boot it to your old computer and uninstall the motherboard chipset drivers,this is sometime the only cause of the no boot in new tower ,

and about he boot order here one bios versions how to .

and another's its in the avanced feature section just scroll down a bit .

hope this all helps ,good luck

Well I don't know what's going on, but when I try to boot from the CD-ROM it hangs up. I get "Windows is inspecting your hardware" and the screen goes blank and nothing happens after that! When I took out the hard drive setup actually starts to load, but of course this won't do any good cause I can't reinstall or repair windows without the hard drive!

Anyone know why this would happen?

harddrive jumper settings ,bad ribbon cable ,harddrive not detected in the bios .bad IDE channel on mboard ,

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