If your drive is still under warranty, STOP here. Protect yourself. Contact mfg. for tech support, replacement, or warranty service.
If your drive isn't covered by warranty but you would like to keep it running if possible and don't feel comfortable with a do-it-yourself project, take it to a competent service tech.
O.K., if the above noted doesn't make you happy and you wanna give fix-it-yourself a go, read on.
Read/Write errors aren't necessarily the fault of the drive, i.e. electronic/mechanical fault. Chances are accumulated dust/lint INSIDE the drive are flying around inside the drive due the airflow generated by the fast moving disc. As with a HD the disc is moving VERY close to the read/write lens. Most of the loose particles fly around and simply stick to others that they come in contact with somewhere else in the drive enclosure. However, a few are big enough to get jammed in the area between them causing a read/write error.
CAREFULLY remove the metal/plastic cover(s). With a cellophane tape backing cover the lens with a small piece of lens paper if you have it, CLEAN tissue or paper towel if you don't. You can now use compressed air to clean the interior of the drive.
With alcohol, clean the disc mounting/contact surfaces and a general cleaning of the surfaces that the air didn't get to.
The "rubber" where the disc is held while running collects dirt, lint, dust, etc. This could easily cause disc slippage (and damage) at hi-speeds. Clean with alcohol there also.
Remove the tape/paper covering. CAREFULLY re-assemble.
If that fails you might wanna save yourself some aggravation and consider replacement.
btw. If your hammer and chisel aren't giving you the results you want, try giving the application of logic some equal time.