My PC has ceased to function and will not boot.
Config:MSI m/b, Intel 2.3Ghz CPU, 512Mb RAM,
The machine is about 5 years old and it had been working fine, and I had left it on hibernate. We had a couple of power cuts lasting no more than 1 second each.
Later (about 45 mins) I found the PC trying to re-start. It would detect the HD, and RAM, load the screen to enter safe mode, normal start-up, start with/without network support etc.
The XP splash screen would come up with the loading bar but it would then crash and restart the sequence.
I powered off , isolated it from the mains and this morning tried to re-boot.
It now only comes up with the MSI energy saver logo, there are random columns on screen - graphics card playing up (?) but nothing else - no beebs - nothing.
I suspect the HD which was replaced 18 months ago, has gone tits-up or there is a serious fault with the motherboard.
Any other ideas?