Hello everyone,
I have an e-machine T2984 computer that recently stopped powering on. The monitor powers on fine but the tower itself does not power on. I checked the AC outlet and the power cord supplying the unit. Both of them are working fine. I also opened the computer with the power connected to the AC outlet and noticed a little green light that stays on, on the motherboard. I am not sure but I think that the light is located next to the processing chip (there is a big heat sink and fan next to the light). There is also a soft humming sound coming from the power supply area when the power plug is plugged into the AC outlet the computer will not turn however.
Can I get some advice on what to do to resolve the failure? I would like to fix this computer if it’s possible rather that get a new one.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Hi kpack08. I have the same machine with the same problem. Have you found a solution since your posting 12 days ago?

well atleast you are getting power from the power supply, but i can tell you right now the mobo is dead, if you have access to another pc you can verify this, take out the power supply, use in another machine,

bobbyraw - you are probably right. I replaced the ps and nothing changed. It is still"dead." I also have a green light on the mb that stays on. The original ps was probably not the problem but I wanted something more than the 250w that the computer came witjh. Do you think the next best move is to replace the mb? I don't want to keep replacing parts only to find I could've replaced the whole computer for less. Please let me know your thoughts and best guess.

Do you know where I can get a motherboard for this machine? I've searched ol and can't find anything for less than 189.

Hi kpack08. I have the same machine with the same problem. Have you found a solution since your posting 12 days ago?

Yes I have found the solution. It's the mobo that has gone bad. Just to be sure I changed the PS with a brand new one. Got the same green light on the board but it's still not booting up. I also looked at the price for a replacement mobo for this computer and holy shit the thing is expensive. I did some browsing around and found mobo's that support dual core processors that are allot cheaper. I have decided to build myself a computer that can match up to the current ones on the market. Plus the emachine is outdated and its about time to upgrade.

Thanks kpack. I replace the ps as well and got the same results. And I priced the mobo for the machine and found they were expensive. saw a couple on e-bay but they looked like they were going to go in the 100 range. And only a 30 days guarantee. I don't think so. I'll probably keep my new ps (350w for $40) and the computer for scrap. Thanks again.

Yeah that is the same thing I am doing. If you find any good deals on hardware for your new pc, hit me up! laterz.

Have any of you replaced the power button before confirming the MOBO is FUBAR? I also replaced the power supply but see the green light on the board as well. The light on the board would tell me there is juice going to it. I was thinking the power button went bad. I have another emachine with a confirmed MOBO issue and I just pulled its power button. All I need now is the pin set up for the T2984. Anyone with that info it would be appreciated.

Have any of you replaced the power button before confirming the MOBO is FUBAR? I also replaced the power supply but see the green light on the board as well. The light on the board would tell me there is juice going to it. I was thinking the power button went bad. I have another emachine with a confirmed MOBO issue and I just pulled its power button. All I need now is the pin set up for the T2984. Anyone with that info it would be appreciated.


Back to front Inner Blue-White (Power LED) and Black-White (Switch)
Outer Red-White (H.D.D. LED)

Thanks for the info. I was able to find the pin info online. Tried it tonight actually and a no go. Funny how this model just happened to go down for many in the month of December?

I checked my power supply and found that it had power coming out. Will put back together today and try jumping the off off switch. The only thing that changed was that I upgraded the memory and installed an Anti-virus program. After that it quit working....

Hello everyone,

I just added a 2nd E-Machine T2984 to my computer graveyard. This one belonging to my parents. I bought it for them 3 years ago at Christmas and yesterday morning it finally gave up. The power supply button is fine, but can be checked with a voltmeter. Just unplug it from the MB and touch the test leads of the voltmeter to the silver spots on the plug. Push the button. It is a momentary on button so it will only conduct electricity when you press it. If you push the button and the meter shows zero resistance then shows infinite resistance when you release the button the switch is fine. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SWITCH GO BAD!

Disconnect all cables from the computer and open the case. Look at the motherboard. Look for little metal cans that have a shinny top and plastic wrapped around them. These are capacitors. They should all have flat tops. If you see one with a domed top it has blown. You can not repair the MB. You either replace it or buy a new computer. You can get a MB from New Egg for around 70.00 US, but here is the problem. The OEM software that your computer came loaded with is registered to your old MO. When it sees the new MO it will throw up an error "bla bla hardware change since last boot, windows will now shutdown bla bla". The software thinks you are trying to load it on more than one computer. If this happens you will need to purchase another OEM copy of your operating system, XP, Vista etc. I know that an OEM copy of XP will run you 89.99 US.

Lets say you don't see any obvious problems with the MB. Take some photos of the inside of your computer (make sure you can see all of the cable connections) label them if you want to. Now remove the power supply and then carefully open its case. DO NOT touch anything inside the case! You could receive a nasty shock. Look for burned components. Throw the power supply in the garbage and buy another one. Trust me on this one, I have repaired a couple of these PS and it is not worth the trouble. You will not find replacement parts at your local Radio Shack. You will have to order them....... REPLACE THE POWER SUPPLY.

The MB may still be blown, but you will not know until you swap the PS for a new one or one that you know for sure is working.

If MB and PS are blown you can expect to spend about 250.00-300.00 US in repair parts/postage. That if you stick with a MB that will use the RAM that you already have. Upgrade the MB to much and you will have to buy more memory, adding more cost.

Now you are up to nearly 200.00 US if you include postage. It might be worth it to just buy another computer. Especially if the PS is bad. That will cost you another 39.99 US for a 350 watt from Office Max.

The average person is better off buying another computer. Just make sure that you either pull your old hard drive out and put it in the new computer as a 2nd drive or buy a case that you can put the old HD in that allows you to hook it up to your computer using a USB port cable. That way you will have access to all of your old files. A HD case will run you about 40.00US, I have two of them and the work great.

Never throw out/give away your old computer with the HD in it. I will be driving past your house, see it setting here in the trash and then it will be all mine! Along with all your personal photos etc......

Now for the more experienced users. Buy a new PS and MO and then go to
http://www.ubuntu.com/ and download Ubuntu. This is a Linux based operating system capable of completely replacing your existing windows os. Best of all it is FREE. This will save you the 89.99 US cost of purchasing an OEM OS for your new MB. You will want to buy another HD as well and then keep your old HD as your backup, either installing it in your computer or using the USB case I described above.

Hope this helps everyone, oh, and this may be of interest. I have a couple of win 95 machines that I bought over 10 years ago and they are still running fine......... makes you want to say HUMMMMMMM

nukewarm takes e-machine and throws it in garbage bag.

why is this here?

moved to dead machines forum

Ok, I have the same problem but I dont see a light on the motherboard when I plugged in the new power supply.... does this mean it is deader than dead? I am not computer savvy but if it is dead and I get another computer can I somehow transfer the info etc from my hard drive or is it now deader than dead too?

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