I need to know what to get. I know the basics but i am new to this (considering i own a Dell) and i need som opinions.
I am thinking of either a RADEON X800 PRO 256MB AGP or a RADEON X800 XT PLATINUM 256MB AGP for my video card. :?: what kind of processor, mother board ect. do i need to get.

>what kind of processor, mother board ect. do i need to get.
It really depends. The processor and motherboard should be made for each other, such as an AMD motherboard with an AMD CPU. The motherboard depends on the case that you want. If you get a small case then your motherboard choices are limited but if you get a standard size case then most motherboards will fit it. So start looking at cases to get a good idea of sizing and type issues, then look into what you want to do with the computer. From there you can work out power and cooling issues and you'll have a much clearer understanding of what hardware you need.

Most importantly, make sure everything is compatible. Also keep in mind that high performance hardware tends to have costly requirements (such as memory). If you're on a tight budget then the latest and greatest may not be best for you.

Were is a good place to look for cases?

Just about any store that sells computer parts will offer several different form factors. Or you could search the web for computer cases to see what your options are. As for specific brands, I'm partial to Lian Li.

there a so many freaking cases i am going out of my mind. HELP!!!!! :eek:

Don't worry as much about the style as the form factor. That's what effects your choice of components. For example, if you want one of those cute mini-ATX form factor cases then your motherboard choice is more limited than if you chose a mini-tower or a tower.

Well new question what cpu would be the best to get for gaming im looking to spend around $400

Well if you're looking for expensive, which you are (with an X800XT Platinum), then a P4 system (HT) is your best bet. Personally, IMO, you can get a GREAT system going with an athlon XP, with amazingly stable mobo's from ABIT. I'm gonna throw out a system here, you can take it or leave it, but its amazing for the price, and you'll love the stability and blazing fast speed.

ABIT NF7-S 2.0 <---one of the best mobos for almost a year now, check any review, you'll see + its cheap $99 or less

AMD Athlon XP 3200+ <---great processor for the price, and you'll spend half of what you'd spend on a damn P4...

512MB-1GB Corsair XMS PC-3200+ <---depending on what you want to spend, and if you want to upgrade later, decide between 512 and 1GB...but you cannot go wrong with a corsair paired matched memory...

and if you really want that graphics card, then go for it, you CANNOT go wrong with it, its truely amazing...minus the price...(if thats even an issue)

anyways, all of this is going to suit your needs great, and for a fraction of the cost of a typical P4 rig...but again, this is my opinion...but i've done my research plenty of times. Check that out, lemme know and I'll help ya out if you want different parts. I wont stear you wrong. Oh, and one more piece of advice...


you cant beat their shipping rates, and prices are lower than anywhere else (99.9% of the time)

This sounds like a great rig but i want a computer that is going to last for a while which wont be needed to be upgraded too much.

Any computer you buy or build will be obsolete in a few months. For the most part you won't need to upgrade at all for some time if you built the box to fit your needs in the first place. When it comes to upgrading, I consider slots and room for extra drives. Other than that you're talking about simple hardware replacement or hardwired equipment replacement and if you need to replace something hardwired then it's probably time to build a new system. :)

Any computer you buy or build will be obsolete in a few months. For the most part you won't need to upgrade at all for some time if you built the box to fit your needs in the first place. When it comes to upgrading, I consider slots and room for extra drives. Other than that you're talking about simple hardware replacement or hardwired equipment replacement and if you need to replace something hardwired then it's probably time to build a new system. :)

sorry but that didnt answer my ? thx for nuthin

commented: That was kind of rude. :( +0
commented: pretty lame +0

>sorry but that didnt answer my ?
Clearly you weren't paying attention then. I said build what you need. If you expect to need more in the near future, build for that. As I don't know what you need, I can't possibly suggest any detailed equipment.

>thx for nuthin
Thanks for wasting my time.

This sounds like a great rig but i want a computer that is going to last for a while which wont be needed to be upgraded too much.

Well if you want something that'll last, and be easily upgradable for a long time i recommend the new intel LGA 775 processors. They're new, so 5-6 years down the road, it will still be easy to upgrade

sorry but that didnt answer my ? thx for nuthin

Sorry, but that's kind of rude... Thanks for nothing, yourself.

Narue's advice as dead-on. If you want the latest, greatest thing, fine. Go pay through the nose for it, and then cry when you see that same part in the bargain bin in 6 months because the next latest, greatest thing that you could pay through the nose for has come out.

Like Narue said, buy what you need. Brand new, I recently built a system:

  • Gigabyte GA-7VT600 1394
  • AMD Athlon XP2500 Barton core
  • 768MB PC3200 DDR Geil RAM
  • 16X DVD-ROM
  • 52x32x52 CD-RW
  • 80GB SATA Hitachi drive, 8MB cache, 7200RPM
  • 128MB Nvidia GeForce FX5700 LE 256-bit 8x AGP

    ...and then I went and added

  • ITE IT8218 IDE RAID controller
  • 2x30GB Western Digital IDE drives in RAID0 for extra storage.

We're talking not more than 6 months ago I built this, and I used last-year's or last year-and-a-half ago's "hot things". I'm VERY happy with the performance of the system, and I probably won't upgrade for a "long time". And the machine's no slouch-- I can play Doom 3 reasonably well on Medium settings at 1024x768, and I can play UT2k4 at 1024x768 at the Highest settings. Then, I can also compile a Linux kernel in a few minutes-- it now takes me longer to configure the kernel than it does to compile it!

But, I'm just one example. I have some gripes with my system, and I might have changed a couple of things had my budget been a tad larger, overall, I'm VERY happy with my machine. Don't buy something because it's the "best" out there right now-- that's stupid, because it will literally only be the best for a couple of weeks. If you can only spend $400, then you're nowhere near in the range of even affording one of those cards you mentioned, much less an entire system that I envision you being interested in building. Don't shoot low, but don't shoot high, either. Take an inventory of what you want to do, what things you can and can't live without, and then consider what you can afford. Perhaps, even take expandability into accound. Then, build the system that you're happy with, and don't worry about what the "best" out on the market is, or whether or not you'll need to upgrade again. Chances are, you won't have the best for long, and you will always be looking to upgrade in the future.

Well if you want something that'll last, and be easily upgradable for a long time i recommend the new intel LGA 775 processors. They're new, so 5-6 years down the road, it will still be easy to upgrade

Yes, the LGA 775's are new...and cool...but have you checked out what's happened in the past 5-6 years? haha, computer parts never last that long without becoming "old"

Well i finally got the parts for my comp they should be in soon. I got a P4 3.0 ghz which was my biggest decision. When i get it together i will post Pics and some specs. I will keep u guys updated.

>I will keep u guys updated.
If you don't care about our input, why should we care about your results?

I need to know what to get. I know the basics but i am new to this (considering i own a Dell) and i need som opinions.
I am thinking of either a RADEON X800 PRO 256MB AGP or a RADEON X800 XT PLATINUM 256MB AGP for my video card. :?: what kind of processor, mother board ect. do i need to get.

Dude, scrap that idea. The X800XT PE is a bullshit thing that basically doesn't really exist. Call it the "Press Edition" not the "Platinum Edition". The X800 Pro is a dud because it has less processing pipelines.

The NVidia 6800GT is the best card out at the top end, of those that can actually be OBTAINED.

Match it with a Socket 939 motherboard and the best Athlon64 you can afford for future-proofing. ;)

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