Okay, I want to record music on cd's and play them in my car's cd player. Which format of cd should i buy, cd-r, cr+r, cd-rw, cd+rw, or something else? The car is a 2007 honda pilot. Please let me know, so I can start recording.

it doesnt matter I buy cd -r and they work fine every where

cd-r is the better choice. you want to make sure the cd is burned and finalized. it the car radio plays mp3's you can put a whole lot more music on the disk.

i'll give cd-r a shot

guys you're mixing things up,there aint no such thing as a cd+r... !
that plus minus thing is related to how data is physicaly burned into recordable dvds...
anyways that said jst use cd-Rs cuz RW disks are relatively expensive


well wuteva to you too dude cuz i jst helped you out and obviously you're too much of a DUDE to accept it and admit that you were wrong... !!!
disgusting !!

sadness :P:P:P

I don't think cd-r work in 2007 Honda pilot .lol

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