I removed the old hard drive from a HP 8380 and added a new 20 gig HD. I can get tto the BIOS but I think I need to format the HD to load the OS right? Can someone please give me a short walk through?
Many thanks!

Im having the same problem only i don't have a disk for windows xp, i got a virus on my computer and got a new Hard Drive. HELP!

Im having the same problem only i don't have a disk for windows xp, i got a virus on my computer and got a new Hard Drive. HELP!

hi, you tagged a almost 5 yr old post ,that is likely why no one responded yet ,as most people don't look at them ,for best /fastest help ,you should create your own thread and explain you problem fully.
and you will need to obtain a xp disk ,

allthought is a old post someone should post the answer so that people who cross this post to find a solution. Bios can be launched without any harddrive installed or plugged into computer just hit the right key when computer start and after that you should enter and set the options. You also need to format for bettter data of the hard , you can also backup what you need before that from old drive with a databackup software , a free easy to use is Dmailer . Just google it and you will find. Hope this answer will resolve all people who come across this post

allthought is a old post someone should post the answer so that people who cross this post to find a solution.

Hi, post #2 posted the day after the first post almost 6 yrs ago ,has a link to instructions on how to install windows ,so the answer is there,always has been there ,thank you

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