When I press the power on switch absolutely nothing happens. No power light comes on. The power output shows the correct 19.8 volt output so do you think this is simply a faulty on/off switch or something more drastic. Is it likely I can replace anything or, as I suspect, likely to be an expensive repair by Toshiba? Your comments will be gratefully read and appreciated. Thanks, David

I would first try with a battery that you know is good...

When you plug in the ac adapter does the unit show that it is plugged in on the LED?

Was the unit turned on and running on battery when you last used it, IE: was the unit in hibernation mode?

You can try removing the battery and ac adapter and holding the power button down for about 20 seconds. Afterwards plug in AC adapter w/ no battery and turn on unit.

If this works then the battery died while the unit was in hibernation mode.

Shut down unit and reinsert battery. Power back on. If works ok just let the battery charge and you should be good

No the adapter isn't indicated by an LED. (No LEDs come on at all). You suggestion about removing the battery etc. didn't work either. I presume it's likely to be the power output on the motherboard. (?). Thanks, anyway.

No the adapter isn't indicated by an LED. (No LEDs come on at all). You suggestion about removing the battery etc. didn't work either. I presume it's likely to be the power output on the motherboard. (?). Thanks, anyway.

You are more than likely correct there. Usually with your symptoms and the fix i suggested doesn't work the internal power supply on the notebook is bad.

The cost on this repair varies. If your power board is seperate from the motherboard then the cost is significantly lower. Different vendors build them different ways unfortunately.

If it is only the power board you can probably get it replaced for approx $150. If it is the whole motherboard it just depends on how much the board costs. If you are comfortable replacing these parts yourself the cost will be significantly cheaper.


Thanks for your answer to David's Toshiba dead battery problem. It worked for me. Very good easy to follow directions too. I'm not a techie and I really appreciate the knowledge that you and others like you share to help us mere users.

Yes! these instructions were a lifesaver for me, too--thanks so much!

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