My computer automatically goes into Sleep Mode when turned on or rebooted, even in safe mode. I have tries to get to Command Promt for CHKDSK but still get thrown into Sleep Mode. Can somebody please help?!!!!

turn off sleeep mode

My computer automatically goes into Sleep Mode when turned on or rebooted, even in safe mode. I have tries to get to Command Promt for CHKDSK but still get thrown into Sleep Mode. Can somebody please help?!!!!

Can you please clarify.

Is your computer going directly to sleep mode after windows loads. I have never heard of this before.

How long does your computer take to boot up?

Can you please clarify.

Is your computer going directly to sleep mode after windows loads. I have never heard of this before.

How long does your computer take to boot up?

When I turn my computer on it comes up as if it's going to load with all the white writing on a black screen then goes straight into sleep mode. It also happens when I try and use safe mode and safe mode with command prompt. I've never known this to happen before either and I've used many computers for many years.

its not sleep mode in my opinion ,its just not starting or shutting down ,not really sleep mode .sounds like a hardware problem ,video overheating maybe !or cpu oh

When I turn my computer on it comes up as if it's going to load with all the white writing on a black screen then goes straight into sleep mode. It also happens when I try and use safe mode and safe mode with command prompt. I've never known this to happen before either and I've used many computers for many years.

I am inclined to agree with caperjack here. When the system "goes to sleep" is the power light still on or off, or does the system restart and show the bios splash screen again, or is it the monitor goes to sleep but there is still activity on the HDD.

If the power light turns off = unit is most likely overheating and turning off to protect itself

If the power light is still on and has Hard Drive activity you are losing video signal most likely and should try swapping the video card with a spare if you have access to one.

Where during the safe mode boot do you lose the display. What is the last thing you see on the screen

I am inclined to agree with caperjack here. When the system "goes to sleep" is the power light still on or off, or does the system restart and show the bios splash screen again, or is it the monitor goes to sleep but there is still activity on the HDD.

If the power light turns off = unit is most likely overheating and turning off to protect itself

If the power light is still on and has Hard Drive activity you are losing video signal most likely and should try swapping the video card with a spare if you have access to one.

Where during the safe mode boot do you lose the display. What is the last thing you see on the screen

The loading stops, the monitor then says SLEEP MODE and then it starts loading (turning itself on) again.... it will keep going over and over again unless it's stopped to go into BIOS.

I have a similar problem that just recently started.

I have an nvidia 780i SLI motherboard with two 8800GTS 512 EVGA video cards. I've had this setup for 10 months now with no problem.

Now I boot up my computer, it does all the right things, gets right up to the windows loading bar and then after a few bars....the monitor seems to lose signal, goes black, and the on button changes from a steady green to a yellow and then to a flashing green. No mouse or keyboard input can get the signal to come back.

However, if I unplug the DVI cable from the back of the computer, and then immediately plug it back in, the screen comes alive. This happens regardless of which video terminal I use (I have four, two on each video card).

I have all the latest drivers, I've gone into the bios and made all the recommended changes, I've even gone back to some original drivers, all to no avail. It's almost like the video signal is turned off or the monitor is told to lose signal and not to come back on until disconnected and reconnected to get the signal going again.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.


Hello Everyone I'm Buo Raksmey I'm in Cambodia. I got a problem with my computer destop.
My computer doesn't work. When I Power on, it work for awhile. The CPU fan moved , cd-rom, HDD work, but suddenly cpu fan and all hardware Stop working.I tried to this again and a gian but it still the same result. How can I do? If someone know how to solve this problem please help me or send suggestion by E-mail: <email removed>
I wait for your helps
Best regard BUO RAKSMEY

I need to know all your computer specifications including how old it is and what is your PC brand and model. Can be an overheating issue. Try clearing the heatsink.

So I have a problem, any help would be great. I have a new computer, like 2 weeks old. I have turned off sleep mode so I only have the shut down button and the restart one. When I shut it down, no problem, turn on no problem, its very fast as it should be. Now when I want to do a restart, it shuts down, then powers up and goes into sleep mode... and wont wake up, or I dont know how to! I tried to just turning the screem of and on again, and it comes up with "going into sleep mode"... what to do? some programs tell me to restart them to make them work, (they do not work when simple shutting the PC down and restarting it) it requires a complete restart... but as said it goes into sleep mode..
Any help much appriciated

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