Hello everybody,
I have a laptop Compaq Armada M700 with a DVD/CD drive. I don't know what I did wrong but my DVD drive does not read any CDs anymore. I tried Audio CDs, CD-R, CD-RW but they are not recognized. It does read any DVD, though.
Can somebody help me?
Ricardo Junior

Hello everybody,
I have a laptop Compaq Armada M700 with a DVD/CD drive. I don't know what I did wrong but my DVD drive does not read any CDs anymore. I tried Audio CDs, CD-R, CD-RW but they are not recognized. It does read any DVD, though.
Can somebody help me?
Ricardo Junior

when you put a audio cd in ,and go to myComputer and click on the icon for the dvd drive does anything happen

I just ran across this problem a few weeks ago, It could be a bad drive.

Drives handle CDs and DVDs a little differently; it is possible, although not common, that the drive will stop reading one or the other.

In the case I worked with the drive would occasionally "catch" a CD but usually just spun up and said there was nothing in the drive but if you entered a DVD it read it fine.

If it is a failed drive you'll need to replace it or get an external disk drive.

when you put a audio cd in ,and go to myComputer and click on the icon for the dvd drive does anything happen

It does not recognize the media. It happens to any kind of CD (audio, CD-R, CD-RW).

It does not recognize the media. It happens to any kind of CD (audio, CD-R, CD-RW).

post # 3 is most like correct in saying its a bad drive

sorry to say this man. but it seems that you'll need to buy another drive. mine began behaving the same way and in the end it stopped accessing DVDs altogether. i guess that's how you know that the drive is dying.

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