Help! My grandson spilled water on my laptop keyboard and now it doesn't work. My wireless keyboard works fine, so Im just wondering if somehow he locked my keyboard. I've pulled the battery out hoping that might help, but it didn't. I'm looking at the function keys, but don't see anything for the keyboard. Thanks

water (& in my case wine) and keyboards do not mix. Laptop keyboards are two rubber membranes with a graphite type of mix a thte points where keys are. If these are damagd in any way it is a new keyboard (or worse it could have damaged the keybard driver chips)
Can you try another keyboard? (either extrnal not wireless or ' swap' from another portable.

Hi friend,
I read your post but you can't solved your problem at home.You have to contact any hardware engineer or computer shop for your laptop.

please contact to your laptop service center .
they people will solve this problem in few minute by cleaning your laptop board and kayboard.

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