I have a hp pavilion zv5000 series laptop with a corrupt hard drive in it. I was also given a acer travelmate 240 laptop to salvage parts off of for the hp laptop. I took the hard drive out of the acer laptop to use in the hp laptop but there is a problem with the restore install disks working on the acer hard drive in the hp laptop. Both were running windows XP on the hard drive. I formatted the acer hard drive and began to install a fresh copy of windows XP but now the system has seized up and I am not able to do anything to get the install to continue or to start over at all. Is there something that I am missing that I should have done by putting the acer hard drive to the hp laptop? Will I have the same problem with a brand new Sata hard drive?

Thank you

The hard drive should have nothing to do with the install freezing up what point is it freezing? is it the install disks that came with the hp

The hard drive should have nothing to do with the install freezing up what point is it freezing? is it the install disks that came with the hp

The system is having trouble it seems formating the hard drive. The system takes about two to three days to format a 40 GB hard drive. The system will then upload all the needed files. At the screen where the system shows all of the different steps of the install process it will free on the freeze on the third step process. It will sit there for a very long time, hours to days.

sound to me like the Acer had a bad hard drive too

I would say the hard drives bad

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