Hi all I just built my own pc everything went great and as far as im aware everything is working although i cant be to sure as the monitor has no signal
going to it as i said.The motherboard is an infinity 865pe and my monitor is an AOC 9G1rs i was wondering if they was compatable.Anyway everything else seems to be working the mouse the cd drives etc but also i am using a second hand p4 1.8 i was also wondering if there is anyway to check this.

Many Thanks hopefully yours

It wouldnt be the processor, either the graphics card or the mobo, but im unsure on the mobo, cause most monitors did not work with my old video card.

It wouldnt be the processor, either the graphics card or the mobo, but im unsure on the mobo, cause most monitors did not work with my old video card.

Actually...it very well could be. Sometimes the processor isn't seated right, or there is a bad pin, or something else. I'll update this post should I find any other causes.

For now, make sure it's all seated in there real tight. :mrgreen:

Also, you gotta check your basics. Cables, connectors, etc. I know this is a bit obvious but you would be surprised at the multitude of people who dont do this :( .

Do you hear any beeps when you power up...

2 then 4 then 2 any groups of three

Powerup should give you one beep....
((Not one long beep))

You cant assume anything is working just because the power supply fan spins up...

Start by stripping the system down to the bare essentials... unplug drives...
Remove all but one ram chip (if you have multiple)
Remove all cards exept the video card and try it again....

And NEVER power it up without a CPU fan in place....

Do you hear any beeps when you power up...

2 then 4 then 2 any groups of three

Powerup should give you one beep....
((Not one long beep))

You cant assume anything is working just because the power supply fan spins up...

Start by stripping the system down to the bare essentials... unplug drives...
Remove all but one ram chip (if you have multiple)
Remove all cards exept the video card and try it again....

And NEVER power it up without a CPU fan in place....

Funny you should say that i spoke to my bro in law and he asked the same
thing which led him to the conclusion that the processor is fried as its 2nd hand. Im taking it to a shop to test it on saturday to make sure it not.
Thanks for your reply Pike

Also, you gotta check your basics. Cables, connectors, etc. I know this is a bit obvious but you would be surprised at the multitude of people who dont do this :( .

Thanks for the reply but no i have checked all the connections

Actually...it very well could be. Sometimes the processor isn't seated right, or there is a bad pin, or something else. I'll update this post should I find any other causes.

For now, make sure it's all seated in there real tight. :mrgreen:

Thanks for reply im taking the cpu down a shop saturday to have it checked as its second hand.

It wouldnt be the processor, either the graphics card or the mobo, but im unsure on the mobo, cause most monitors did not work with my old video card.

Tried 2 different cards same with both also tried 2 monitors.
Thanks for the reply.

can someone also help me i have a similiar problem but i have a new monitor and new graphics card it says no input signal and then says going to sleep the comp is working great but i cannot check anything now bc the monitor says no input signal what should i do

just check the vga cable in a monitor!!!your monitor is new..?is'nt your vga cable new?

Please cheek your RAM. It can be happen when the RAM doesn't Placed in the board correctly.

first check the ram then check the ram or check the VGA card and in the end check the processor

Check the RAM then check the Ram? Sounds like a hiccup.

looks strange but what works for me like a miracle (miracle because i had 3 computers with similar problem). what i did is...remove the ram(s) from the motherboard and powered on my computer. and then powered my computer off and reinsert the ram(s). then works on three occasions.

All these issues regarding "No Signal" are same, as they are mostly on new PC Machines with New Windows configuration. In all cases the problem is not Processor nad niether the MotherBoard.
it is just the compatibility issue and the reason for "No Signal" is Power Supply, as it is not compatible with all devices power, so sometimes it can't supply power to different devices at same time through MotherBoard.
If you try some Branded PC then you will never get this kind of Issue.

I have the same problem.....however.
It was working last night but not this morning, same hardware.....tried a different monitor still no joy....

Forgot to mention mobo is Gigabyte GA-945GCM-S2L with onbord card

newrelation4, thanks for your advice. It worked for me and now my boyfriend is really happy and thinks I'm I'm a genius!

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