This is a long one.

I had Ubuntu on my computer for quite some time, before deciding to rid it from my hard disk. Withoutmuch prior knowledge of GRUB, I stupidly decided to delete my entire partition of Ubuntu. Of course I got Error 22, figures out how to fix it, and... Messed it up again.

I accidentally went through part of the setup sequence for Windows 98 before realizing that I didn't have to do this to fix the MBR/GRUB problem.Oops. Now when it loads up, only an "Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key" error appears.

Windows 98 won't install, neither will Windows 7, nor can I format the hard disk using the FORMAT command, or anything else I can think of. At this point, I DO NOT care about the files on my hard drive, intact I'll end up formatting it anyways later.
Thank you for your time, help, and consideration.

so you just want to install back win 98 but unable to do so, check out this one..

it will wipe out entirely your HDD but it might not safe to use if your HDD is not seagate..

or you can try to boot an XP cd and try to delete the whole partition during the setup process and just reboot your system if you want win 98 to install...

There are also a number of partition programs with ISO images egoogle will get them. cut a CD and go from there by booting with the cd, this is same type of operation as the XP CD as above.

Then u can partition or format teh whole disk and reinstall what you want. Clearly hte Bios is unable at start up to get the OS as eithr the MBR is corrupt ( see boot.ini) or the disk itself is corrupt (chkdsk I suppose you have tried;)

GRUB will often put itself in the bios of your motherboard in place of the standard boot loader (I found this out by removing all of my haddrives. It still gives error 22). To get rid of GRUB, clear the CMOS/CHMOS (by moving the jumper to 1 position wile the computer is of and then back) and then reinstall windows.

If you want to completely wipe you hdd, take it out and run a magnet over it.

If you want to completely wipe you hdd, take it out and run a magnet over it.

yeah but it will probably permanently destroy it

use fdisk / mbr from MSDOS and it should help. Will remove the bootloader and allow you to repartition and reformat. Will possibly lead to total data loss.

yeah but it will probably permanently destroy it

use fdisk / mbr from MSDOS and it should help. Will remove the bootloader and allow you to repartition and reformat. Will possibly lead to total data loss.

That would work... as to the magnet thing, I've done it. Just as long as you hit the side that doesn't have the chip on it your fine. The hdd just shows up as completely blank.

you would need a huge ass magnet.

Large magnets (such as magnets out of a large speaker) are said to have minimal effect on the drive.

Hehe, yes, a HUGE ass magnet, or a rare-earth magnet.
I've never tried it on drives bigger than 40GB, but I'm sure the bigger the drive, the harder it is to wipe.

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