I need more storage space for my digital video collection and I am trying to figure out the best option. I currently have two hard drives. One is dedicated to Windows and my applications. The other is dedicated to my digital collection and is full. I could try to add a third hard drive, but I am looking for a more scalable solution. Also, I'd like to consider something more secure, such as RAID 1, and one that allows me to share my collection with my other networked computer. So, it sounds like I need a RAID 1 solution that I can place on my network. I've looked at the Pug Server product (pugservers.com), which is on the right track. But, I wasn't impressed with their maximum storage capacity of 200GB. I would need two or three of these just to get started. I'm wondering if a dedicated File Server would be best, but I'm not even sure where to begin. Any advice would be appreciated.