Just Curious (dumb question but I have my Reasons! ) But what happens when you try turn your Macbook pro on without a hardrive installed? What should happen?

Mine makes the apple sound then its just a black screen.

That's exactly what it's meant to do. Your OS is on the hard drive so it can't boot.

Just the answer I wanted, Cheers!


That's exactly what it's meant to do. Your OS is on the hard drive so it can't boot.

You don't want to be doing it too often or it could mess your bios up.

I only turned it on to see if it would actually switch on.
You see, I had a bit of Red Wine Damage *oop* I let it dry out for about a week and it wouldn't switch on.

I needed the hardrive so took the whole thing apart. A week later I put it all together inc Hardrive so I could take it to apple store for diagnostics. It must of dried out properly when I took it apart because Hey Presto! It booted up, but the keyboard didnt work.

To cut a long story short Apple wanted to charge me £600 to fix which is crazy, they basically replace anything that the wine has touched. I got it back and am just waiting for a new topcase and keyboard that I sourced. Hopefully it will work again!


You don't want to be doing it too often or it could mess your bios up.

Cool, sounds like you have everything under control. :)
You can mark this thread solved now.

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