Received new RAM today. My dad's PC now has 2 sticks of 512 in one bay and 2 sticks of 512 in another for a total of 2GB, however its only showing 1.7GB and says 'Memory runs in Single Channel' or something similar when it boots.
Also, now my PC has 2 sticks of 1GB in one bay and, in the other bay, a 1GB stick and a 256MB stick, but its only showing 2.18GB (which is funny b/c before I had 1G, 1G, 512, 256 installed and it showed 2.7GB).
Any ideas why the PCs are showing less than what's actually installed? I know you have to match certain things in the same bay - however, I'm unsure whether that's size/speed/or what.
Thanks for all helpful responses,