I have or had (cause its dead now) a 1ghz Pentium 3 computer 256mb of RAM I consistently over clocked to 1.1ghz by raising the FSB for over 2 months and then it just decided to play up and wiped my hard drive:
I had turning on this PC just to do some general surfing and pulled out CPUcool the software i used to raise the FSB and I changed it to the normal setting I usually do however it did not just carry on with some added juice it hanged and produced a high pitch noise from within the machine (could not isolate it unfortunately as I pulled the power cable out as fast as I could) and was wonder if that could have been the hard drive as i cannot boot from it now. Could either one of these things:
Pulling the power cable out
Or over clocking
Wiped the boot sector making it unable to boot. Even when I tried it gave me various errors making the machine useless until I find myself another OS any suggestions?