Sons notebook starting acting up when being charged - now has lost all charge and is, well, how should I put it, DEAD!!! No charge, no power to find what the original fault was AND using my charger (same) does NOT work. His machine won't take a charge at all. Can't see any possible prob with charger connection but am open to suggestions.

Just to annoy you guys, now MY machine is acting up, opening WLM when I'm not even around so either I have a "ghost" or there is a more scientific reason behind this. I assume that (although I know I have plenty of spirits around me!!!) that there is something else at the base of this prob. My own machine has been checked and rechecked for virus but there is a nasty one that I am aware of that will NOT show it's ugly head on a virus check.

Q1 - Could my son have had a virus that killed his notebook and is messing with mine now - plz bare in mind that I am a lot more cautious with my machine than my son would be...

Q2 - If answer to Q1 is "yes", roughly how much internet time am I going to have to find a solution to Q1?

Q3 - Does anyone know of any easy way to sucessfullly scan for, locate and eliminate the problem, if it is a virus?


Okay, that was more of a request but please help, if you can.

PS - NOT one on the list of graphic card probs and both running on Vista

1,903 online and not even a hello?!

A virus would not normally make a laptop stop powering up or prevent the battery from charging. The problem with your son's laptop is more likely either a bad powerjack or a defective motherboard. If your laptop is the same model you could try your battery in your son's laptop to see if that will allow it to power up.

Your laptop sounds as if it may have a virus or some botnet software installed. You can perform an online virus scan by connecting to most any of the major anti virus software program developers websites such as the TrendMicro's Housecall online scanner.

My guess, regarding your son's laptop, is that the battery is dead. If you have same model, or your laptop uses same model of battery, then you could try your battery in his laptop to see if it works.

FYI, battery's life-spawn is very limited. No virus can kill it.

If you suspect trojans and viruses on any machine, easy and simple way, but potentially dangerous way would be Combofix. Just google it, download it (save it somewhere) and run it.

I must stress that it is potentially dangerous because it could corrupt windows registry and thus render it unbootable. You would be forced to restore your system, or reinstall windows...

Believe me, where other AV software failed, combofix prevailed. It cleaned my system from one very nasty trojan (vundo).

Edit: LOL

A virus would not normally make a laptop stop powering up or prevent the battery from charging. The problem with your son's laptop is more likely either a bad powerjack or a defective motherboard. If your laptop is the same model you could try your battery in your son's laptop to see if that will allow it to power up.

Your laptop sounds as if it may have a virus or some botnet software installed. You can perform an online virus scan by connecting to most any of the major anti virus software program developers websites such as the TrendMicro's Housecall online scanner.

sorry Buggz, went for a wash while I was waiting - anyway notebooks are the same

online virus scan won't show all virus's. Although much appreciated, Housecall did NOT show anything...checked and rechecked

My guess, regarding your son's laptop, is that the battery is dead. If you have same model, or your laptop uses same model of battery, then you could try your battery in his laptop to see if it works.

FYI, battery's life-spawn is very limited. No virus can kill it.

If you suspect trojans and viruses on any machine, easy and simple way, but potentially dangerous way would be Combofix. Just google it, download it (save it somewhere) and run it.

I must stress that it is potentially dangerous because it could corrupt windows registry and thus render it unbootable. You would be forced to restore your system, or reinstall windows...

Believe me, where other AV software failed, combofix prevailed. It cleaned my system from one very nasty trojan (vundo).

Edit: LOL

machines are the same, swapped charger, hense suspected virus/trojan

Had zone alarm (paid for) and LOVED it until Kapersky came along and pmo!! That was PC though tbf, not notebook. This new Virus just can't be found, so I am told, by antivirus software..........not yet at least...!

Tnks for edit though, I think...

You swapped the charger..ok.. But, I'm talking about batteries. You should swap the batteries.

Dead battery + OK charger = dead laptop (with no-power-at-all appearance).

Edit was a comment on post before mine.. you got 2 almost the same answers at almost the same time.

You swapped the charger..ok.. But, I'm talking about batteries. You should swap the batteries.

Dead battery + OK charger = dead laptop (with no-power-at-all appearance).

Edit was a comment on post before mine.. you got 2 almost the same answers at almost the same time.

htf do I swap the batteries?

Can do with sons/mine as they are the same but what are the risks, if any?

As for the"edit" - I really thought I had mentioned that the machines were "twins". Apologies if I had not clarified that earlier.

Tnks to both of you for sharing info on this one

goodnight guys. I'll check for new posts 2moro.

htf do I swap the batteries?

Can do with sons/mine as they are the same but what are the risks, if any?

You should consult with the manual on that.

There are virtually no risks, if the battery has no acidy leaks.

You should consult with the manual on that.

There are virtually no risks, if the battery has no acidy leaks.

Okay guys, swapped batteries this morn and guess what. Sons notebook has been resurrected BUT still won't take a charge for my battery. I'm guessing it has to be something to do with the internal connections. Any other ideas or is this a techies job now?

This is definitely techies job now. If the warranty is still valid, it will be free of charge (heh). If not, at least you now know that it is not the motherboard or CPU that needs replacing.

Thanks for reply C. The poor notebook thing went off to the techies this morn along with my fully charged battery. Hope they can figure it out quick before the charge dies. I shall keep you apprised of developments...

Is the battery from your son's notebook charging OK in your notebook?

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