Well yesterday i was happily typing away on my normally well behaved xp computer when in a google search, the typing stopped and i could not get any response from the computer - tried the task manager but couldnt get anything at all!! last resort was i thought to switch off. so i did that
switched on again...it switched itself off within seconds. tried again nothing...just the HDD light on constant orange.. switched off, on again and it started to boot up fine and got to the desktop fine...Phew i thought-then it switched itself off!!!
Since then i have tried to switch on, and all i get is the fans working fine, main light (green) and hdd light (orange) on constant, also internal green light on the MB on. I have established that the K/board, Monitor and the mouse are not functioning from the rear outputs of the case, however the mouse works (lights up at least) from the front USB's. Now i dont have a lot of expierience with this kind of failure, but have tried reseating the ram and various cables
how can i save the contents of the HDD
can anybody shed a bit of light on this? thanks a million

Does it make any beeps?

Does it make any beeps?

Just a beep when i switch on, i get cd rom lights briefly, then nada..
strange this, 'cos i was typing then nothing...and now nothing at all
i cant even get bios or screen..
thanks rik

Take the side off, unplug from the mains and remove the bios battery for about a minute. It will be a round and silver object with CR2032 stamped on it. You will need to correct the time and date in your bios as well as boot order after trying this (provided your PC responds that is).

This is only step 1, there a few more things I can suggest.

ok im off to try that....cheers for now rik

Take the side off, unplug from the mains and remove the bios battery for about a minute. It will be a round and silver object with CR2032 stamped on it. You will need to correct the time and date in your bios as well as boot order after trying this (provided your PC responds that is).

This is only step 1, there a few more things I can suggest.

Unfortunately, no change.... had another go at reseating the ram cards, no difference... soooo frustrating, but im staying calm, for now....cheers greg

No more suggestions? anyone???

Time to test the PSU (Power Supply Unit).

You need to unplug all internal PSU cables then take a short length of wire and short the green wire in the biggest plug to any of the black ones in the same plug. The PSU should spring into life, if it doesn't it's faulty and needs replacement.

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