My LCD screen on my hp zt1000 has just gone black. Im usually pretty good with computers and fixing things with them if something goes wrong but im just not to sure how to handle this one and any suggestions on how to fix it would be great! The only thing that i am able to do with it is hook it up with my desktop comp and run the desktop of the laptop on there as a remote desktop. If any suggestions let me know! Thanks a lot!

My LCD screen on my hp zt1000 has just gone black. Im usually pretty good with computers and fixing things with them if something goes wrong but im just not to sure how to handle this one and any suggestions on how to fix it would be great! The only thing that i am able to do with it is hook it up with my desktop comp and run the desktop of the laptop on there as a remote desktop. If any suggestions let me know! Thanks a lot!

sounds like your LCD backlight has blown. if you shine a bright torch against the screen can you see images on it? if yes then it is your back light.

if on the other hand there is no image to be seen then the problem will lie within the wiring connections between your LCD and the motherboard and graphics. could be that a wire might have become worn and therefor broken off.

hope this helps:D

sounds like your LCD backlight has blown. if you shine a bright torch against the screen can you see images on it? if yes then it is your back light.

if on the other hand there is no image to be seen then the problem will lie within the wiring connections between your LCD and the motherboard and graphics. could be that a wire might have become worn and therefor broken off.

hope this helps:D

It was! My back light had just gone out! Any way to fix this myself or will it be pretty costly?

It was! My back light had just gone out! Any way to fix this myself or will it be pretty costly?

i wouldn't even consider thinking about repairing it yourself. its going to be pretty costly and the best thing to do is take it down to your nearest computer repair specialist and ask them to do it. is your laptop still under warranty? if so you can get the backlight replaced under warranty from the store where you brought it or from the manufacturer.

if not you would be looking at about £300-400 for a replacement (maximum). in this instance it would be best to hook up an external monitor to your laptop and salvage any documents and files by saving to some kind of removable medium. maybe even backup your whole operating system to an external hard disk

If you are in the USA, I can usually get them fixed for about $300 plus shipping. If interested, you could PM me....

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