It use to randomly restart on occasion but now it is doing it constantly to the point it won't boot-up past the Windows start-up screen.

It does not respond to the F8 key, so I can't start it in safe mode. I can get into the set-up screen but no changes seem to help because it just reboots and then resets the settings I changed.

Any ideas? Thanks much.

It use to randomly restart on occasion but

this could indicate dust buildup or hardware finally gone totally bad ,so start with opening up and cleaning dust buildup, tools to use are a paint brush and a vacum,give it a try and see what happens

this could indicate dust buildup or hardware finally gone totally bad ,so start with opening up and cleaning dust buildup, tools to use are a paint brush and a vacum,give it a try and see what happens

Thanks, that was the first thing I tried. I thought maybe it was overheating but to no avail. Without being able to boot-up I can't diagnose the problem. I guess it is time for a new machine.

Thanks, that was the first thing I tried. I thought maybe it was overheating but to no avail. Without being able to boot-up I can't diagnose the problem. I guess it is time for a new machine.

if you have the windows disk you could try booting to and going into the recovery console and doing a "chkdsk /r" at the prompt

if you have the windows disk you could try booting to and going into the recovery console and doing a "chkdsk /r" at the prompt

I tried with a cd but it doesn't respond to my keyboard commands and loads with the hard drive instead of the cd. I'll have to check if I have a windows disk. Gosh, I haven't used a disk in years! Thanks again for your help.

are you using a usb keyboard or a ps/2 one ,if usb ,maybe you could try a ps/2 keyboard and see if it works

are you using a usb keyboard or a ps/2 one ,if usb ,maybe you could try a ps/2 keyboard and see if it works

I only have usb and wireless keyboards-no ps/2.
It's funny that the keyboard responds at start up to the del key to enter set up and works in that screen responding to commands. When I instead try F8 (to enter safe mode) it does not respond and as I said it does not respond to commands when I try to boot from cd-weird huh?

Have you recently installed ram? Faulty Ram or wrong Ram type usually is the cause to this problem.

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