Hello. I have an HP Pavilion 4500 laptop and it won't turn on. I've tried everything to get it to turn back on. There are no flashes or beeps or anything when I hit the power button. Also, before all this came up, my charger wasn't charging correctly. It would turn on then turn off repeatedly. Then one day, my laptop shut off and didn't come back on anymore. I haven't been on my laptop in about 4-5 months now. Could someone please tell me what might be wrong with my laptop?

Thank you so much! :D

Hello. I have an HP Pavilion 4500 laptop and it won't turn on. I've tried everything to get it to turn back on. There are no flashes or beeps or anything when I hit the power button. Also, before all this came up, my charger wasn't charging correctly. It would turn on then turn off repeatedly. Then one day, my laptop shut off and didn't come back on anymore. I haven't been on my laptop in about 4-5 months now. Could someone please tell me what might be wrong with my laptop?

Thank you so much! :D

you havent used it in almost half a year!!!! get yourself a correct charging unit for it that works properly and charge it. leave it out in a warm spot for a day before hand though. it sounds like its gotten very cold internally and also all the battery power has seeped away to nothing. this happens with rechargable batteries after a while. of course you wont get anything when you've got a dead battery. sounds like the charger you have already may be defective or your current battery is defective at least.
At the other end of the scale though it could be that you laptops power supply unit has become defective and maybe that has blown.
Rule out the simplest options first of it being the charger or battery. if theres no joy take it down to a local computer engineer and get them to have a look. be prepared to spend a little dosh on it.

btw what r your laptop specs?? might help us.:D


There they are Janine. You get those from the manufacturer website. It's not hard when you've already been told what brand and model of laptop it is!

thanks sweet.:) just looked at the pdf file you put on here. do u agree with what i said before however?? :)

I'd suggest getting it checked by a technician if it doesn't start when connected to the power outlet via the power cord.

If it's being used simply from the battery, I'd suggest plugging in the power cord and trying it that way :D

thats what i said in a roundabout way. if its not starting when connecting to the power outlet via the power adaptor then it would point more towards a defunct PSU or other internal fault. thanks for confirming that anyway

I run Windows XP and have 100 and some MB on it, thats all I know right now.

I just want to share my experience with the HP Pavilion dv6000 (dv6105 to be precise) laptop. I purchased this laptop in Jan/Feb 2007. It worked OK for the first year. It ran very slow due to all the crap HP makes you load when you install the OS. Late Feb 2008 it began to not turn on. Power button wouldn't turn it on unless you pressed really REALLY hard. My husband immediately googled this problem and found this website http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01087277&lc=en&cc=us. He immediately called HP. They told us that we didn't qualify for the free repair. We didn't understand but for whatever reason we trusted the rep. The laptop continued to have problems turning on. We had to use the tip of a ballpoint pen and press it in a certain spot on the power button while standing up and putting all our pressure on the button. This method stopped working in Nov 2008. My husband called HP again and again we were told we didn't qualify for the free repair. Again not understanding why but trusted the rep. So we opened the laptop to try to see if there was something we could do to fix it. At this point the laptop has no use. The quickplay button brings you to a screen with a windows icon that doesn't take you to windows, it takes you to hibernate and you can't escape out. August of 2009 we decided to reinvestigate the $600 doorstop to see what could be done. In researching and calling HP again, two more times, turns out it is a faulty motherboard (HP admits this) and our problem DID fit the scenario for the free repair but now it had been longer than 2 years and so we would have to pay $400 for it. HOW CONVENIENT. I started researching how much it would cost to repair myself and decided that I wasn't comfortable doing that even though I thought I could do it for around $150. So I call HP AGAIN. They have a big rubber stamp that says "NO" on it. The first rep I called says "sorry, nothing we can do, you will have to pay for the repair" so I demand to speak to the supervisor. They come back on the line and say the supervisor will offer a discount of $259 for the repair. So they are still trying to profit off of my unfortunate predicament that THEY put me in. This doesn't satisfy me. I am put on hold for 40 minutes while I hold for a supervisor and no one ever comes to the line. Wayne was this persons name. I call in again to the number in the link above. The woman immediately says "well we've already told you what we can do and you didn't accept it" when I ask for a supervisor. She finally gets the supervisor, "Donald" who repeatedly says "You can try to "COMPLAIN" to get a "FREE" repair, but I have seen this a hundred times and no one ever gets a free repair so you are wasting your time." I keep pressing and then get routed to a "case manager." The case manager was so nice. He looked at my case, saw that we had called in during the first two years twice to report the issue and were told in error that we didn't qualify when really we did. We get our free repair now.

Keep calling the number in the link http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01087277&lc=en&cc=us and demand to have your case routed to a CASE MANAGER even if you never called before and it has been longer than two years. The only person who can authorize the repair is the case manager so skip that horrible customer service team. If that doesn't work, join the CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT http://www.sfmslaw.com/pages/cases.php?id=300 against HP due to the faulty laptops that HP won't recall and fix.


HP Pavilion dv6000 won't turn on power button quickplay motherboard mainboard faulty problem lawsuit free repair



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