I have a computer that is making 3 second beeping sounds in a continous loop when I start the computer up for the SECOND time after a restart.
I have looked up the beep sounds on the internet at a bios website and my particular beeps are not on the "offical chart" of beeps but a few users have posted on the site with the same 3 second beeps. It appears they said to be "CPU related."
This makes sense. I have tested the RAM,G-card, HD, NC, and sound card and they all work fine. In fact all of these "guts" are in my second computer right now. except the memory wich is a different speed. That turned out fine also.
So I have narrowed it down to either the CPU or motherboard itself. Peeps at the bios site said that the CPU might be the culprit.
I looked at the CPU and it looks fine to me. I want to reuse the motherboard and replace the CPU with a better one. But that would require flashing the bios wich I dont know how to do.
How can I flash the MOBO if i cant start the comp up?
So far all of the places I have tried for help have failed. Everyone it seems wants my money for hardly any work. I'm trying to save money here not waste it.
Of course in a perfect world I would just buy all new stuff, 64 bit processors and double giga bit graphic cards and stuff, chromey cases with laser light shows inside.
But im poor... so I cant....
any suggestions? :?:
Asus a7m8?
athlon 1ghz
396mb pc2100 DDR RAM