Rhutch 0 Newbie Poster

PC - 'Home' brew
Mother board - GF8100VM-M5
CPU - AMD Phenom X3 8250
RAM - 2gig DDR2 800MHz
Bios - AMI
Internal speaker - 8 Ohm, fed by 2 wires (one to each end of the voice-coil

This mother board incorporates a 4 pin header for the internal speaker. The manual gives the pinout as 1 = VCC. 2 = Key.
3 = Gnd. 4 = Signal.

There is no indication as to which pins the internal speaker should be connected.

This speaker has been OK on the previous mother board (Gigabyte GA-7VM400M).

A web page giving general advice stated that the speaker would usually be between pins 1 and 4. Is this correct in this case?

Can anyone shed any light?


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