Hello, i recently decided to build my own computer. I have everything assembled, however when I turn the computer on the monitor displays a "no signal" message. I have recently exchanged the motherboard, video card, and processor for the same model. And when i took it to the computer store today they tested the system and said that the CPU was no good. Why isn't my monitor getting a signal. I know it's not the monitor since i used the one that i use normally on my computer i have right now. THe mother board is an ASUS K8N-E Deluxe with a ATI Radeon X800 XL video card and an AMD 2.8 ghz 3200 processor. Have a 480 watt Antec power supply. Please help because if i dont get this working my parents are making me return everything

err.... uummmm......

The computer store tested it and told you what was wrong. The CPU is not working. You need to replace it with another one.

By the way, there is no such thing as an "AMD 2.8 ghz 3200 processor" and if you have been trying to set the processor to run at 2.8GHz you have probably blown it up!

the 'No signal' message indicates that the monitor is working but the computer is not. Obviously if the processor is not functional the computer isn't going to work. You need to buy another Socket 754 Athlon64 or Sempron processor to use in the system. If money is now in short supply, the cheapest and best option to choose is an AMD Sempron 3100+ processor, which unlike the other Semprons is a damn fine chip!

err.... uummmm......

The computer store tested it and told you what was wrong. The CPU is not working. You need to replace it with another one.

By the way, there is no such thing as an "AMD 2.8 ghz 3200 processor" and if you have been trying to set the processor to run at 2.8GHz you have probably blown it up!

the 'No signal' message indicates that the monitor is working but the computer is not. Obviously if the processor is not functional the computer isn't going to work. You need to buy another Socket 754 Athlon64 or Sempron processor to use in the system. If money is now in short supply, the cheapest and best option to choose is an AMD Sempron 3100+ processor, which unlike the other Semprons is a damn fine chip!

Semprons are pretty good and depending on where you live are relatively cheap. if you live in the United Kingdom you could pick one up brand spanking new for as little as £65:) depending on how much power you want out of it.:cool:


Janine, you should not compare the Sempron 3100+ with other Sempron models. The lower rated chips are not just less powerful - they are completely different chips and MUCH less powerful ;)


Janine, you should not compare the Sempron 3100+ with other Sempron models. The lower rated chips are not just less powerful - they are completely different chips and MUCH less powerful ;)

ok.. i agree that the 3100+ is a pretty powerful chip and completely different. i now have two PC's running a sempron processor 2800 and they are by far powerful enough for me. i can quite happily run upto 7 programs without a crash in sight and all high pwered programs. the intel i have though struggles with more than 2:)

ok i replaced the processor and it still didn't work... pretty sure i said that

Go back to the basics. Start with a 'bare bones' system.


Reset CMOS.

Grab the main power cable from the power supply unit and attach the ATX connector to the motherboard.

Make sure the processor fan is connected to the correct socket on the motherboard or to a molex connector if it needs one.

Bung in a RAM module, in memory slot 1

Fit the display card and attach a molex power connector to it if it requires one.

Connect up the power switch, power LED, Reset and speaker cables from the front case panel. Unsure that all the front panel connectors used for this are facing the same direction. Sometimes even a power LED connector facing the wrong way can stop the system from booting.

Connect the monitor and keyboard, fit the power cord, and turn it on. MAKE SURE NOTHING ELSE WHATSOEVER IS ATTACHED TO ANYTHING.

If you've attached everything correctly, and you don't get a display showing the machine doing its self tests and ending up sitting there confused because there's no drives attached, then something's dramatically wrong!

Could it be that the motherboard has gone kaput. If the motherboard has gone then surely that may well eplain the fact that the problem is still there, would it not. Im just theroizing here.

second therory: brtnrdr44, did you try another cable between your monitor and your PC? maybe the cables up the duff:confused: :idea:

It could be any of a vast number of things, but let's first ascertain whether or not a 'bare bones' sytem actually works or not, shall we? The way to troubleshoot a non-functioning system is logically and sequentially, not by willy-nilly guesses.

It could be any of a vast number of things, but let's first ascertain whether or not a 'bare bones' sytem actually works or not, shall we? The way to troubleshoot a non-functioning system is logically and sequentially, not by willy-nilly guesses.

Yes, its always best to start with a complete bare bones system and then build upon it until you find the cause of the problem. never jump to conclusions:-|

Yes, its always best to start with a complete bare bones system and then build upon it until you find the cause of the problem. never jump to conclusions

Not really if you know what you are doing then you will immediatly be able to tell waht the problem is. I'm 16 and have had many problems with the pc i built but now its awesome and water cooled.

4.0ghz p4 800mhz
1gb pc3200
80gb sata seagate baracuda
geforce 5500 fx

I had this problem twice, once when i built my pc, so i used a projector to test it out with a video lead from my graphics card, once on i could change the settings allowing my pc to boot from the agp card.
A second problem i had was a processor, the pin had snapped off, i am going to get this processor fixed as it was a p4 .25 celeron which wasnt too bad. But if you need a temporary soloution chicken wire does the job :p
Also check that yourpc has enough memory to keep the system stable.

If it isn't the cpu like you said then maybe it is your motherboard, if you have onboard grpahics slot ttry that if not try and a different graphics card, if that fails try a different psu, you will be surprissed how annoying computers can be, tiny things can make huge changes!

If you still cant find the problem invest in a new motherboard from www.ebuyer.com i got my motherboard for £50 and its amazing!

anyway hope this helps


Not really if you know what you are doing then you will immediatly be able to tell waht the problem is.

Wrong. Experience will enable you to be more successful with making 'educated guesses', but will not equip you with sufficient skills to 'immediately' know what is wrong when a PC malfunctions.

There can be multiple potential causes for a PC malfunctioning. The problem here has been the way the PC was constructed. brtnrdr44 is faced now with the need to do something which should have been included in the initail contruction. Test a barebones system to ensure that the basic components function correctly, then add other components one by one to isolate the reason for the failure to boot correctly.

Any other procedure will be guesswork.

Have you tried uninstalling your mouse software. I had the same problem and worried myself silly and my wireless Microsoft 5000 software was conflicting with my geforce 5200 software. Good luck.

Suddenly my tv will only show bbc1 & bbc 2.
For all other programmes i receive the wording
"no signal"
can any one help for normal services to be resumed?

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