The last two times I have shut down my computer overnight (and unplugged power supply and ethernet cable to my router) because of possible thunderstorms, when I plugged it back in and turned it on, it would give its familiar startup whine for, maybe 5-15 seconds, then die.
The first time this happened, after maybe a half dozen of these computer deaths, I unplugged it from the UPS and directly into the wall socket, and it came up and ran fine. I assumed the problem was a dying UPS that wouldn't give enough juice, so I bought a new UPS, and everything seemed to run fine.
Then I did the unplugging last night, and it did the whine/die routine several times. Then I tried the direct connect in one plug (thinking maybe I'm not getting enough juice out of ANY UPS, new or old), but this time it did the whine/die routine on that plug. Then I tried it on the other of the two wall outlets, and it came to life. Then after I ran it for a while, I plugged it into the new UPS again, and it is now running fine (but I don't dare turn it off and unplug it).
I had a wire stuck in the fan once, and it acted somewhat similarly, but the wires should all be now bundled away from the fan.
Could the damp, coolish Maine air be the problem? Was it simply a coincidence that reshuffling the outlets eventually made it work? Is it a too-cold problem rather than a too-hot problem, so that eventually after several stop-starts it would get warm enough and then start?
I'm NOT a technical person, so my ability to mess around with the innards of the PC is highly limited.
It's a white box PC, by the way, and I'm running Windows 2K