I have a Western Digitial 1TB 10eavs ext USB HDD. I am currently running Windows XP Sp1,
(no I have hardware issues with SP2 and it gives the vaio mxs10 the BSOD with no OS... but that is a totally different issue... back to the point.)
I have slow USB port speed, (no high speed ports.)
The HDD is fine, used it with many other PCs and no problems, I can even run it on a vista right now, but I want to use it on my xp.
Now the issue... It seems that it is a common issue for winxp not to recognize the ext HDD of WD. Well more that it fails to assign a drive letter.The fact that the HDD only work with plug n play drivers, means that reinstalling the driver is to take it off, and unplug and plug it back in.
Sometimes, I think it is assigning a drive letter, but something is impeding the functionality on the "my computer" to display it, and the disk management just freezes up... you can tell that it is transferring information to and from the HDD but nothing in "my computer".
I have used powertoys Tweak UI to fix the auto play issue.
and seldomly if I plug it in while the computer starts up (while it runs checkdisk) I can get it to properly show up and run just as if it was a normal usb HDD on a vista. But the moment I restart or unplug it, it's the same fight.
My question is...
In the bios there is an option for setting an ext HDD as a slave, primary or secondary. I would like to know if setting the drive as a primary or secondary slave is going to corrupt the information I already have on the ext HDD or mess up my windows OS?
I would rather not ruin what I already have on my ext HDD if at all possible.
IT freezes up the PC when I plug it in...occasionally, like the amount of memory is stifling it or something, but the CPU is around 20% 40%, and "My computer freezes" so does "TweakUI" and "MMC.exe Disk management"